Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
4 m
EN Peter

Bant Thrull | new, strong, toys with convoke

at 02:12 I mean a stop at/after the draw step and at 26:37 u obv. just double spell/convoke with the virtue instead of attacking, it was late

Decklist: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/bant-thrull--bo3-metaslicer
at 02:12 I mean a stop at/after the draw step and at 26:37 u obv. just double spell/convoke with the virtue instead of attacking, it was late

Decklist: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/bant-thrull--bo3-metaslicer

Chapters ⏱️
00:00 deckoverview
00:43 Match 1 vs Esper Midrange
10:38 Match 2 vs Boros Convoke
19:51 Match 3 vs Boros Convoke
29:06 Match 4 vs Boros Convoke
34:52 Match 5 vs UW Mentor
38:27 Match 6 vs Sultai Squirming
46:26 Match 7 vs Rakdos Midrange

The Tocasia's Welcome side was ment for control, but if they start running Thrull themselves, it obv. should be replaced ..

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