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EN KaeroMagicTheGathering

WHAT'S A COLOR PIE?! | Magic the Gathering Color Philosophy

Magic the Gathering is a complex game, but today we're demystifying it for beginners with a video explaining the color pie. In this video you'll learn what each color cares about, how it achieves its goals and some common magic the gathering mechanics in each color.

Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for sponsoring this video! To purchase the newest set for Magic the Gathering, Lost Caverns of Ixalan, use my link here:
Magic the Gathering is a complex game, but today we're demystifying it for beginners with a video explaining the color pie. In this video you'll learn what each color cares about, how it achieves its goals and some common magic the gathering mechanics in each color.

Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for sponsoring this video! To purchase the newest set for Magic the Gathering, Lost Caverns of Ixalan, use my link here:

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