Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
3 m
EN RisendragonGaming


A different video tonight, a State of the Channel address so to speak. We've come a long way in three years of serious content creation. The hurdles faced by small-time creators like me are large, but so are our dreams and our goals.

This video is for any content creator who has experienced anything of what is mentioned here, whether it's work-life balance, anxiety, self-doubt, as well as the peaks of being a content creator. It is a fulfilling hobby to share with you all, a hobby I have had since I was in seventh grade in 1995. I will continue to share it with you all, four times a week from here on out! Next week is February break for me, so I plan on making a video per day starting Saturday. I hope you all got something from this, I thank you all so very very much for your faith and support!
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