4 Raise the Past
2 Day of Judgment
1 Get Lost
1 Charming Prince
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Lifecreed Duo
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Picklock Prankster
1 Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
3 Amalia Benavides Aguirre
1 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Underground River
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Adarkar Wastes
2 Seachrome Coast
2 Plains
1 Swamp
4 Gnawing Vermin
Spells: 7
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.1
15 8 8 21 8 21
Creature: 32
- Human: 5
- Noble: 1
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 12
- Bat: 7
- Bird: 2
- Scout: 7
- Dog: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Phyrexian: 5
- Merfolk: 1
- Wizard: 1
- Kor: 4
- Vampire: 3
- Instant: 1
- Sorcery: 6
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 2
- Swamp: 1
4 Starscape Cleric
2 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Lifecreed Duo
3 Gnawing Vermin
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
3 Cruel Somnophage
4 Picklock Prankster
3 Founding the Third Path
4 Raise the Past
3 An Offer You Can't Refuse
2 Meticulous Archive
4 Caves of Koilos
1 Darkslick Shores
4 Concealed Courtyard
2 Tranquil Cove
4 Dismal Backwater
1 Undercity Sewers
1 Temple of Enlightenment
1 Abandoned Campground
1 Adarkar Wastes
1 Underground River
2 Seachrome Coast
Spells: 10
Creatures: 26
Creatures: 26
Average: 1.9
10 14 10 24 2 24
Creature: 26
- Bat: 6
- Cleric: 10
- Phyrexian: 2
- Kor: 2
- Rabbit: 4
- Bird: 2
- Rat: 3
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Nightmare: 3
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Saga: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 2
- Island: 3
- Swamp: 1
4 Founding the Third Path
4 Raise the Past
2 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Gnawing Vermin
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Cruel Somnophage
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
1 Plains
3 Adarkar Wastes
3 Underground River
3 Caves of Koilos
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Concealed Courtyard
Spells: 8
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 1.9
8 12 16 22 2 22
Creature: 30
- Phyrexian: 2
- Kor: 2
- Cleric: 10
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Rat: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Nightmare: 4
- Dog: 4
- Bat: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 4
- Saga: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 1
4 Raise the Past
4 Gnawing Vermin
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Lifecreed Duo
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
2 Fog Bank
1 Mockingbird
2 Concealed Courtyard
3 Underground River
3 Caves of Koilos
3 Darkslick Shores
3 Adarkar Wastes
3 Seachrome Coast
2 Plains
1 Swamp
1 Floodfarm Verge
Spells: 4
Creatures: 35
Creatures: 35
Average: 1.9
12 11 12 21 4 21
Creature: 35
- Rat: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 12
- Bat: 8
- Bird: 5
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Dog: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Phyrexian: 4
- Kor: 4
- Wall: 2
- Bard: 1
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 2
- Swamp: 1
2 Dewdrop Cure
4 Raise the Past
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Gnawing Vermin
4 Oracle of Tragedy
4 Snarling Gorehound
11 Hare Apparent
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
1 Starscape Cleric
1 Felidar Cub
3 Caves of Koilos
3 Concealed Courtyard
2 Darkslick Shores
1 Floodfarm Verge
1 Island
1 Swamp
3 Seachrome Coast
4 Plains
1 Underground River
2 Adarkar Wastes
Spells: 6
Creatures: 33
Creatures: 33
Average: 1.9
22 8 9 21 21
Creature: 33
- Human: 8
- Scout: 4
- Rat: 4
- Wizard: 4
- Dog: 4
- Rabbit: 15
- Noble: 11
- Cleric: 5
- Bat: 1
- Cat: 1
- Beast: 1
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 6
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Island: 1
- Swamp: 1
- Plains: 4
4 Founding the Third Path
4 Raise the Past
2 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Gnawing Vermin
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Cruel Somnophage
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Adarkar Wastes
3 Underground River
3 Caves of Koilos
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Concealed Courtyard
1 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 1.9
8 12 16 22 2 22
Creature: 30
- Phyrexian: 2
- Kor: 2
- Cleric: 10
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Rat: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Nightmare: 4
- Dog: 4
- Bat: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 4
- Saga: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 1
3.02 31 2.51 0.51 4.01 3.52 31 52 31 41 1.51 21
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Gnawing Vermin
3 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
3 Lifecreed Duo
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Starscape Cleric
3 Bloodthirsty Conqueror
3 Raise the Past
2 Unseal the Necropolis
3 Don't Make a Sound
2 Go for the Throat
4 Swamp
3 Island
5 Plains
3 Underground River
1 Floodfarm Verge
2 Gloomlake Verge
1 Darkslick Shores
1 Concealed Courtyard
1 Caves of Koilos
1 Fabled Passage
2 Deep-Cavern Bat
1 Requisition Raid
1 Ghost Vacuum
1 Disenchant
1 Cut Down
2 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Take Up the Shield
2 Shore Up
1 Phantom Interference
1 Three Steps Ahead
1 Witness Protection
1 Insatiable Avarice
Spells: 10
Creatures: 33
Creatures: 33
Average: 2.1
10 10 19 22 4 22
Creature: 33
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 12
- Dog: 4
- Rat: 4
- Human: 3
- Scout: 3
- Phyrexian: 4
- Kor: 4
- Bat: 7
- Bird: 3
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Vampire: 3
- Knight: 3
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 3
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Swamp: 4
- Island: 3
- Plains: 5
4 Raise the Past
4 Gnawing Vermin
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Lifecreed Duo
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
8 Plains
3 Swamp
4 Underground River
1 Caves of Koilos
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Seachrome Coast
Spells: 4
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 1.9
12 8 12 24 4 24
Creature: 32
- Rat: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 12
- Bat: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Dog: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Phyrexian: 4
- Kor: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 8
- Swamp: 3
3 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Lifecreed Duo
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Snarling Gorehound
4 Starscape Cleric
2 Desperate Bloodseeker
4 Raise the Past
3 Inspiration from Beyond
1 Adarkar Wastes
4 Caves of Koilos
2 Concealed Courtyard
2 Gloomlake Verge
1 Undercity Sewers
1 Temple of Enlightenment
1 Plains
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Restless Reef
3 Meticulous Archive
1 Floodfarm Verge
1 Tranquil Cove
1 Abandoned Campground
1 Shadowy Backstreet
1 Temple of Deceit
2 Dismal Backwater
Spells: 7
Creatures: 29
Creatures: 29
Average: 2.1
12 11 10 24 3 24
Creature: 29
- Phyrexian: 3
- Kor: 3
- Cleric: 11
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Bat: 8
- Bird: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Dog: 4
- Vampire: 2
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 7
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Island: 4
- Swamp: 2
- Plains: 5
3 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Fallaji Archaeologist
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Snarling Gorehound
2 Desperate Bloodseeker
4 Lifecreed Duo
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Raise the Past
3 Inspiration from Beyond
1 Plains
1 Adarkar Wastes
4 Caves of Koilos
1 Temple of Deceit
1 Temple of Enlightenment
2 Dismal Backwater
1 Scoured Barrens
1 Tranquil Cove
2 Concealed Courtyard
1 Restless Reef
1 Meticulous Archive
2 Shadowy Backstreet
1 Undercity Sewers
2 Abandoned Campground
1 Floodfarm Verge
2 Gloomlake Verge
Spells: 7
Creatures: 29
Creatures: 29
Average: 2.1
12 11 10 24 3 24
Creature: 29
- Phyrexian: 3
- Kor: 3
- Cleric: 11
- Human: 4
- Scout: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Dog: 4
- Vampire: 2
- Bat: 8
- Bird: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 7
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 4
- Island: 2
- Swamp: 3
4 Raise the Past
4 Authority of the Consuls
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Lifecreed Duo
4 Starscape Cleric
4 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
4 Amalia Benavides Aguirre
4 Picklock Prankster
4 Deep-Cavern Bat
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
3 Plains
1 Island
2 Swamp
4 Scoured Barrens
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Tranquil Cove
4 Dismal Backwater
Spells: 8
Creatures: 36
Creatures: 36
Average: 1.9
24 4 8 26 8 26
Creature: 36
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 16
- Bat: 20
- Bird: 4
- Phyrexian: 4
- Kor: 4
- Vampire: 4
- Scout: 4
- Faerie: 4
- Rogue: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 26
- Plains: 3
- Island: 1
- Swamp: 2