Rotation Proof Mono White ⚪️⚪️⚪️

18 d L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.04The Brothers' War: Recruitment Officer 0.52March of the Machine: Surge of Salvation 3.04Wilds of Eldraine: Cheeky House-Mouse 3.04Dominaria United: Resolute Reinforcements 2.04The Brothers' War: Soul Partition 4.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Dust Animus 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Sanguine Evangelist 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Aven Interrupter 1.5/4.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Phyrexian Vindicator 4.03March of the Machine: Knight-Errant of Eos 3.02The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 22Streets of New Capenna: Plains
4 Recruitment Officer
2 Surge of Salvation
4 Cheeky House-Mouse
4 Resolute Reinforcements
4 Soul Partition
4 Dust Animus
4 Sanguine Evangelist
4 Aven Interrupter
3 Phyrexian Vindicator
3 Knight-Errant of Eos
2 Mishra's Foundry
22 Plains
(60) Common 22 Uncommon 14 Rare 21 Mythic 3

Spells: 6
Creatures: 30


Average: 2.4

W 36 C 24 Lands 24
  • Creature: 30
    • Human: 11
    • Soldier: 8
    • Mouse: 4
    • Spirit: 4
    • Vampire: 4
    • Cleric: 4
    • Bird: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Phyrexian: 3
    • Horror: 3
    • Knight: 3
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Plains: 22

Future Filth ❤️❤️❤️

28 d L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.54Core Set 2021: Shock 2.54The Brothers' War: Monastery Swiftspear 3.53Dominaria United: Phoenix Chick 4.51Dominaria United: Shivan Devastator 2.54Wilds of Eldraine: Monstrous Rage 4.04Dominaria United: Lightning Strike 4.02March of the Machine: Invasion of Tarkir 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Fugitive Codebreaker 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Slickshot Show-Off 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Urabrask's Forge 4.03Wilds of Eldraine: Goddric, Cloaked Reveler 42Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Crimson Pulse 4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy 3.02The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 18Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Shock
4 Monastery Swiftspear
3 Phoenix Chick
1 Shivan Devastator
4 Monstrous Rage
4 Lightning Strike
2 Invasion of Tarkir
4 Fugitive Codebreaker
4 Slickshot Show-Off
3 Urabrask's Forge
3 Goddric, Cloaked Reveler
2 Case of the Crimson Pulse
2 Witchstalker Frenzy
2 Mishra's Foundry
18 Mountain
(60) Common 26 Uncommon 13 Rare 18 Mythic 3

Spells: 21
Creatures: 19


Average: 1.9

R 40 C 20 Lands 20
  • Creature: 19
    • Human: 7
    • Monk: 4
    • Phoenix: 3
    • Dragon: 1
    • Hydra: 1
    • Goblin: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Bird: 4
    • Wizard: 4
    • Noble: 3
  • Instant: 14
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 3
  • Enchantment: 2
    • Case: 2
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 20
    • Mountain: 18

Bant Cornucopia 🤍💙💚

1 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 2.52Wilds of Eldraine: Up the Beanstalk 24Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 1.0/2.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Spelunking 1.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Ancient Cornucopia 43Murders at Karlov Manor: No Witnesses 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 1.02March of the Machine: Invasion of Arcavios 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Make Your Own Luck 4.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 1Kaladesh: Botanical Sanctum 2.51Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Seachrome Coast 2.51Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Razorverge Thicket 3.51The Brothers' War: Blast Zone 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.51Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4.01Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Vinestalk 2.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Pit of Offerings 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 12Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Creosote Heath 2Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lonely Arroyo 2Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lush Oasis 2Streets of New Capenna: Forest 2Streets of New Capenna: Plains 1Streets of New Capenna: Island 1Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
5.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: White Sun's Twilight 41Murders at Karlov Manor: Outrageous Robbery 31Murders at Karlov Manor: Doppelgang 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Worldsoul's Rage 5.01The Brothers' War: Titania's Command 4.51March of the Machine: Breach the Multiverse 31Murders at Karlov Manor: Relive the Past
4 Three Steps Ahead
3 Get Lost
2 Up the Beanstalk
4 No More Lies
4 Spelunking
4 Ancient Cornucopia
3 No Witnesses
3 Sunfall
2 Invasion of Arcavios
4 Make Your Own Luck
3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
1 Botanical Sanctum
1 Seachrome Coast
1 Razorverge Thicket
1 Blast Zone
2 Demolition Field
1 Mirrex
1 Restless Vinestalk
2 Pit of Offerings
2 Restless Anchorage
2 Creosote Heath
2 Lonely Arroyo
2 Lush Oasis
2 Forest
2 Plains
1 Island
1 Swamp

1 White Sun's Twilight
1 Outrageous Robbery
1 Doppelgang
1 Worldsoul's Rage
1 Titania's Command
1 Breach the Multiverse
1 Relive the Past
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 18 Rare 23 Mythic 7

Spells: 33
Creatures: 3


Average: 3.4

W 9 U 6 G 10 C 24 M 11 Lands 24
  • Creature: 3
    • Phyrexian: 3
    • Angel: 3
  • Instant: 11
  • Sorcery: 10
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 6
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Sphere: 1
    • Cave: 2
    • Desert: 6
    • Forest: 2
    • Plains: 2
    • Island: 1
    • Swamp: 1

Rakdos Vampires in Havana 1.0

1 m Lobo Blanco | Icon
3.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Gift of Fangs 2.52Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Blood Fountain 2.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Epicure 4.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Bloodcaster 2.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sanguine Statuette 3.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Bloodtithe Harvester 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Preacher of the Schism 2.54March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Markov Baron 2.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Vampires' Vengeance 4.01Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Florian, Voldaren Scion 4.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Anje, Maid of Dishonor 5.01Streets of New Capenna: Evelyn, the Covetous 53Murders at Karlov Manor: Vein Ripper 5.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Olivia, Crimson Bride 1.0/3.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Estate 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Vents 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 2Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 2Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
2 Gift of Fangs
2 Blood Fountain
4 Voldaren Epicure
4 Voldaren Bloodcaster
2 Sanguine Statuette
4 Bloodtithe Harvester
2 Preacher of the Schism
4 Markov Baron
4 Vampires' Vengeance
1 Florian, Voldaren Scion
1 Anje, Maid of Dishonor
1 Evelyn, the Covetous
3 Vein Ripper
1 Olivia, Crimson Bride
4 Voldaren Estate
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Sulfurous Springs
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
3 Restless Vents
4 Haunted Ridge
2 Swamp
2 Mountain
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 14 Rare 30 Mythic 4

Spells: 10
Creatures: 25


Average: 2.7

B 17 R 10 C 25 M 8 Lands 25
  • Creature: 25
    • Vampire: 25
    • Wizard: 4
    • Cleric: 2
    • Noble: 6
    • Rogue: 1
    • Assassin: 3
  • Instant: 4
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 2
    • Aura: 2
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 25
    • Swamp: 2
    • Mountain: 2
A video has not been provided.

Rotation Proof Boros Convoke

1 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Warden of the Inner Sky 3.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Novice Inspector 3.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Gleeful Demolition 2.04The Brothers' War: Yotian Frontliner 3.04Dominaria United: Resolute Reinforcements 2.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 43Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Gateway Express 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Sanguine Evangelist 3.53Wilds of Eldraine: Imodane's Recruiter 4.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon 3.53Murders at Karlov Manor: Warleader's Call 4.04March of the Machine: Knight-Errant of Eos 2.54The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 1.02The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 4Kaladesh: Inspiring Vantage 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 5Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
3 Warden of the Inner Sky
4 Novice Inspector
4 Gleeful Demolition
4 Yotian Frontliner
4 Resolute Reinforcements
2 Get Lost
3 Case of the Gateway Express
2 Sanguine Evangelist
3 Imodane's Recruiter
2 Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon
3 Warleader's Call
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Cavern of Souls
4 Inspiring Vantage
2 Demolition Field
2 Mirrex
5 Plains
3 Mountain
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 20 Rare 26 Mythic 2

Spells: 12
Creatures: 26


Average: 2.2

W 22 R 7 C 26 M 5 Lands 22
  • Creature: 26
    • Human: 20
    • Soldier: 13
    • Detective: 4
    • Vampire: 2
    • Cleric: 2
    • Knight: 7
  • Instant: 2
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 6
    • Case: 3
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Sphere: 2
    • Plains: 5
    • Mountain: 3

Black Vampires

1 m Lobo Blanco | Icon
2.54March of the Machine: Ichor Drinker 3.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Gift of Fangs 2.52Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Blood Fountain 4.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Bloodcaster 2.54March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Markov Baron 4.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Preacher of the Schism 0.54March of the Machine: Glistening Deluge 5.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sorin the Mirthless 5.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Henrika Domnathi 42Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 4.52The Brothers' War: Gix's Command 4.02Dominaria United: The Cruelty of Gix 5.01Streets of New Capenna: Evelyn, the Covetous 52Murders at Karlov Manor: Vein Ripper 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1.04The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 3.04The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 14Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4 Ichor Drinker
2 Gift of Fangs
2 Blood Fountain
4 Voldaren Bloodcaster
4 Markov Baron
3 Preacher of the Schism
4 Glistening Deluge
2 Sorin the Mirthless
2 Henrika Domnathi
2 Deadly Cover-Up
2 Gix's Command
2 The Cruelty of Gix
1 Evelyn, the Covetous
2 Vein Ripper
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Field of Ruin
4 Mishra's Foundry
14 Swamp
(61) Common 22 Uncommon 10 Rare 19 Mythic 10

Spells: 16
Creatures: 20


Average: 3.1

B 35 C 25 M 1 Lands 25
  • Creature: 20
    • Phyrexian: 4
    • Vampire: 20
    • Wizard: 4
    • Noble: 4
    • Cleric: 3
    • Rogue: 1
    • Assassin: 2
  • Instant: 0
  • Sorcery: 8
  • Artifact: 2
  • Enchantment: 4
    • Aura: 2
    • Saga: 2
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Sorin: 2
  • Land: 25
    • Swamp: 14
A video has not been provided.

Yargle's Gambit! ⚫️🔴

1 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 1.54The Brothers' War: Bitter Reunion 4.02Dominaria United: Liliana of the Veil 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 4Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Greed's Gambit 4.01Dominaria United: The Cruelty of Gix 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rakdos Joins Up 5.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Trumpeting Carnosaur 2.04March of the Machine: Yargle and Multani 5.02March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 4.02Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Raucous Theater 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 3Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Bitter Triumph
4 Bitter Reunion
2 Liliana of the Veil
3 Brotherhood's End
4 Greed's Gambit
1 The Cruelty of Gix
4 Rakdos Joins Up
4 Trumpeting Carnosaur
4 Yargle and Multani
2 Etali, Primal Conqueror
2 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Haunted Ridge
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Demolition Field
3 Raucous Theater
4 Swamp
3 Mountain
(60) Common 11 Uncommon 6 Rare 35 Mythic 8

Spells: 22
Creatures: 12


Average: 4.4

B 11 R 13 C 26 M 10 Lands 26
  • Creature: 12
    • Dinosaur: 6
    • Frog: 4
    • Spirit: 4
    • Elemental: 4
    • Elder: 2
    • Phyrexian: 2
    • Angel: 2
  • Instant: 4
  • Sorcery: 3
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 13
    • Saga: 1
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Liliana: 2
  • Land: 26
    • Swamp: 7
    • Mountain: 6

Jeskai Calendar Control ⚪️🔵🔴

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 0.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: The Millennium Calendar 2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 3.54Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 24Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 43Strixhaven Mystical Archive: Lightning Helix 1.04The Brothers' War: Union of the Third Path 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 1.0/4.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: All Will Be One 3Kaladesh: Inspiring Vantage 2Kaladesh: Spirebluff Canal 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Seachrome Coast 0.01The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 3.51The Brothers' War: Blast Zone 3.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Deserted Beach 3.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Stormcarved Coast 3.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 1Streets of New Capenna: Island 1Streets of New Capenna: Plains
4 Three Steps Ahead
4 The Millennium Calendar
3 Get Lost
4 Silver Scrutiny
4 No More Lies
3 Lightning Helix
4 Union of the Third Path
3 Brotherhood's End
3 Sunfall
4 All Will Be One
3 Inspiring Vantage
2 Spirebluff Canal
3 Seachrome Coast
1 Demolition Field
1 Blast Zone
2 Deserted Beach
3 Stormcarved Coast
3 Sundown Pass
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Mountain
1 Island
1 Plains
(60) Common 7 Uncommon 5 Rare 40 Mythic 8

Spells: 36
Creatures: 0


Average: 2.6

W 10 U 8 R 7 C 28 M 7 Lands 24
  • Creature: 0
  • Instant: 18
  • Sorcery: 10
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Mountain: 1
    • Island: 1
    • Plains: 1

DimirTifacts! 💙🖤

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 0.52Zendikar Rising: Negate 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 4Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Simulacrum Synthesizer 3.54The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 3.53Wilds of Eldraine: The End 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 3.54The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Chimil, the Inner Sun 5.04The Brothers' War: Phyrexian Fleshgorger 2.53The Brothers' War: Underground River 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 2Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Fomori Vault 4Streets of New Capenna: Island 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4 Three Steps Ahead
2 Negate
3 Go for the Throat
4 Simulacrum Synthesizer
4 Thran Spider
3 The End
4 Deadly Cover-Up
4 The Mightstone and Weakstone
2 Chimil, the Inner Sun
4 Phyrexian Fleshgorger
3 Underground River
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Demolition Field
1 Restless Reef
2 Fomori Vault
4 Island
4 Swamp
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 5 Rare 33 Mythic 12

Spells: 26
Creatures: 8


Average: 3.8

U 10 B 10 C 40 Lands 26
  • Creature: 8
    • Spider: 4
    • Phyrexian: 4
    • Wurm: 4
  • Instant: 12
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 18
    • Powerstone: 4
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 26
    • Island: 4
    • Swamp: 4

Knowledge is Power! 💙💙💙

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Wilds of Eldraine: Ingenious Prodigy 33Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Phantom Interference 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2.52Dominaria United: Academy Loremaster 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Serum Snare 3.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Proft's Eidetic Memory 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Duelist of the Mind 4.52Dominaria United: Aether Channeler 1.53Dominaria United: Ertai's Scorn 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Steamcore Scholar 1.0/3.04The Brothers' War: Flow of Knowledge 3.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 22Streets of New Capenna: Island
3 Ingenious Prodigy
3 Phantom Interference
4 Three Steps Ahead
2 Academy Loremaster
3 Serum Snare
4 Proft's Eidetic Memory
4 Duelist of the Mind
2 Aether Channeler
3 Ertai's Scorn
4 Steamcore Scholar
4 Flow of Knowledge
2 Otawara, Soaring City
22 Island
(60) Common 25 Uncommon 10 Rare 25 Mythic 0

Spells: 21
Creatures: 15


Average: 2.3

U 36 C 24 Lands 24
  • Creature: 15
    • Human: 11
    • Wizard: 7
    • Advisor: 4
    • Weird: 4
    • Detective: 4
  • Instant: 17
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Island: 22

Jund Deserts! 🖤❤️💚

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 33Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Desert's Due 4.02Dominaria United: Tear Asunder 4.02Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Phyrexian Arena 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Freestrider Lookout 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Outcaster Greenblade 4.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Colossal Rattlewurm 4.03March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin 1.0/4.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: All Will Be One 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Spinewoods Armadillo 31Kaladesh: Blooming Marsh 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 24Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bristling Backwoods 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Conduit Pylons 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Copperline Gorge 4Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Festering Gulch 4Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Jagged Barrens 2.53The Brothers' War: Llanowar Wastes 4.01Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Cottage 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1Streets of New Capenna: Forest
3 Bitter Triumph
3 Desert's Due
2 Tear Asunder
2 Phyrexian Arena
3 Brotherhood's End
4 Freestrider Lookout
4 Outcaster Greenblade
4 Colossal Rattlewurm
3 Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin
3 All Will Be One
3 Spinewoods Armadillo
1 Blooming Marsh
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
4 Bristling Backwoods
4 Conduit Pylons
2 Copperline Gorge
4 Festering Gulch
4 Jagged Barrens
3 Llanowar Wastes
1 Restless Cottage
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Forest
(60) Common 20 Uncommon 12 Rare 22 Mythic 6

Spells: 16
Creatures: 18


Average: 3.4

B 8 R 6 G 17 C 26 M 3 Lands 26
  • Creature: 18
    • Human: 8
    • Rogue: 4
    • Mercenary: 4
    • Wurm: 4
    • Demon: 3
    • Armadillo: 3
  • Instant: 8
  • Sorcery: 3
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 5
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 26
    • Desert: 16
    • Forest: 1

Simic Ramp?!? 🔵🟢

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 3.04Dominaria United: Joint Exploration 4.51The Brothers' War: Awaken the Woods 53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bristly Bill, Spine Sower 34Murders at Karlov Manor: Repulsive Mutation 4.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Colossal Rattlewurm 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Make Your Own Luck 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Spinewoods Armadillo 53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bonny Pall, Clearcutter 4Kaladesh: Botanical Sanctum 2.54Dominaria United: Yavimaya Coast 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Vinestalk 4Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lush Oasis 4Streets of New Capenna: Forest 4Streets of New Capenna: Island
4 Three Steps Ahead
4 Joint Exploration
1 Awaken the Woods
3 Bristly Bill, Spine Sower
4 Repulsive Mutation
4 Colossal Rattlewurm
4 Make Your Own Luck
4 Spinewoods Armadillo
3 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter
4 Botanical Sanctum
4 Yavimaya Coast
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Otawara, Soaring City
2 Demolition Field
2 Restless Vinestalk
4 Lush Oasis
4 Forest
4 Island
(57) Common 12 Uncommon 18 Rare 23 Mythic 4

Spells: 17
Creatures: 14


Average: 3.4

U 8 G 12 C 26 M 11 Lands 26
  • Creature: 14
    • Plant: 3
    • Druid: 3
    • Wurm: 4
    • Armadillo: 4
    • Giant: 3
    • Scout: 3
  • Instant: 12
  • Sorcery: 5
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 26
    • Desert: 4
    • Forest: 4
    • Island: 4

Izzet Flyers 🔵🔴

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
1.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Consider 2.53Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Swirling Mist 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Harrier Strix 1.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Ancestral Anger 3.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Proft's Eidetic Memory 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Duelist of the Mind 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Slickshot Show-Off 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Slick Sequence 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Steamcore Scholar 4.03Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy 2.54Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 4Kaladesh: Spirebluff Canal 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 7Streets of New Capenna: Island 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Consider
3 March of Swirling Mist
4 Harrier Strix
4 Ancestral Anger
4 Proft's Eidetic Memory
4 Duelist of the Mind
4 Slickshot Show-Off
4 Slick Sequence
4 Steamcore Scholar
3 Witchstalker Frenzy
4 Shivan Reef
4 Spirebluff Canal
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
7 Island
5 Mountain
(60) Common 24 Uncommon 7 Rare 29 Mythic 0

Spells: 22
Creatures: 16


Average: 1.9

U 23 R 11 C 22 M 4 Lands 22
  • Creature: 16
    • Bird: 8
    • Human: 4
    • Advisor: 4
    • Wizard: 4
    • Weird: 4
    • Detective: 4
  • Instant: 14
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Island: 7
    • Mountain: 5

Dimir SpliceSpree 🔵⚫️

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
33Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Phantom Interference 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 3.54Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 1.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rush of Dread 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Intimidation Campaign 0.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mindsplice Apparatus 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bloodletter of Aclazotz 43Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 2.54The Brothers' War: Underground River 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 3Streets of New Capenna: Island 3Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Phantom Interference
4 Three Steps Ahead
4 Silver Scrutiny
3 Go for the Throat
3 Bitter Triumph
4 Rush of Dread
4 Intimidation Campaign
4 Mindsplice Apparatus
4 Bloodletter of Aclazotz
3 Deadly Cover-Up
4 Underground River
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Demolition Field
2 Restless Reef
3 Island
3 Swamp
(60) Common 9 Uncommon 12 Rare 35 Mythic 4

Spells: 32
Creatures: 4


Average: 2.7

U 15 B 17 C 24 M 4 Lands 24
  • Creature: 4
    • Vampire: 4
    • Demon: 4
  • Instant: 13
  • Sorcery: 11
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Island: 3
    • Swamp: 3

Flashy Fliers! ⚪️🔵

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
43Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 3.53Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 23Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 0.53Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 1.04The Brothers' War: Union of the Third Path 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Aven Interrupter 5.03Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: The Wandering Emperor 3.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Memory Deluge 54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Stoic Sphinx 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 2.54Dominaria United: Adarkar Wastes 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Seachrome Coast 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Deserted Beach 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 3Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Island
3 Three Steps Ahead
2 Get Lost
3 Silver Scrutiny
3 No More Lies
3 Temporary Lockdown
4 Union of the Third Path
4 Aven Interrupter
3 The Wandering Emperor
2 Memory Deluge
4 Stoic Sphinx
3 Sunfall
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Deserted Beach
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Otawara, Soaring City
2 Demolition Field
2 Mirrex
2 Restless Anchorage
3 Plains
3 Island
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 5 Rare 42 Mythic 3

Spells: 26
Creatures: 8


Average: 3

W 19 U 12 C 26 M 3 Lands 26
  • Creature: 8
    • Bird: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Sphinx: 4
  • Instant: 14
  • Sorcery: 6
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 3
  • Planeswalker: 3
  • Land: 26
    • Sphere: 2
    • Plains: 3
    • Island: 3

High Noon Control 🤍❤️

2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
43Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Explosive Derailment 0.0/2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: High Noon 2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 44Strixhaven Mystical Archive: Lightning Helix 3.03The Brothers' War: Tocasia's Welcome 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Urabrask's Forge 41Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Crimson Pulse 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 5.04March of the Machine: Archangel Elspeth 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 5.02Phyrexia: All Will Be One: The Eternal Wanderer 4Kaladesh: Inspiring Vantage 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 2.54The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 0.01The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 5Streets of New Capenna: Plains 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
3 Explosive Derailment
4 High Noon
3 Get Lost
4 Lightning Helix
3 Tocasia's Welcome
4 Urabrask's Forge
1 Case of the Crimson Pulse
3 Brotherhood's End
4 Archangel Elspeth
3 Sunfall
2 The Eternal Wanderer
4 Inspiring Vantage
4 Sundown Pass
4 Battlefield Forge
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Mirrex
1 Demolition Field
5 Plains
4 Mountain
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 1 Rare 43 Mythic 4

Spells: 34
Creatures: 0


Average: 3

W 19 R 11 C 26 M 4 Lands 26
  • Creature: 0
  • Instant: 10
  • Sorcery: 6
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 8
    • Case: 1
  • Planeswalker: 6
    • Elspeth: 4
  • Land: 26
    • Sphere: 2
    • Plains: 5
    • Mountain: 4

Back Midrange 1.1

2 m Lobo Blanco | Icon
4.02Dominaria United: Cut Down 4.52Dominaria United: Evolved Sleeper 0.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 4.02The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 3.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Deep-Cavern Bat 4.02Streets of New Capenna: Tenacious Underdog 2.02Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 4.02Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Life of Toshiro Umezawa 4.02Dominaria United: Liliana of the Veil 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Preacher of the Schism 5.02The Brothers' War: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor 4.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Graveyard Trespasser 3.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: The Celestus 4.53Dominaria United: Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 4.52The Brothers' War: Gix's Command 42Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 5.02Wilds of Eldraine: Virtue of Persistence 3.04The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 3.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 19Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
0.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 4.01Dominaria United: Cut Down 2.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Clawing Torment 0.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 1.51Streets of New Capenna: Extract the Truth 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 2.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 4.01Streets of New Capenna: Unlicensed Hearse 4.01Dominaria United: Liliana of the Veil 5.01The Brothers' War: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor 3.51Streets of New Capenna: Night Clubber 4.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Path of Peril 4.51The Brothers' War: Gix's Command 5.01The Brothers' War: Phyrexian Fleshgorger
2 Cut Down
2 Evolved Sleeper
2 Duress
2 Go for the Throat
2 Deep-Cavern Bat
2 Tenacious Underdog
2 Sheoldred's Edict
2 Life of Toshiro Umezawa
2 Liliana of the Veil
2 Preacher of the Schism
2 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
4 Graveyard Trespasser
1 The Celestus
3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
2 Gix's Command
2 Deadly Cover-Up
2 Virtue of Persistence
4 Mishra's Foundry
2 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
19 Swamp

1 Duress
1 Cut Down
1 Clawing Torment
1 Duress
1 Extract the Truth
1 Long Goodbye
1 Sheoldred's Edict
1 Unlicensed Hearse
1 Liliana of the Veil
1 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
1 Night Clubber
1 Path of Peril
1 Gix's Command
1 Phyrexian Fleshgorger
(61) Common 21 Uncommon 10 Rare 21 Mythic 9

Spells: 19
Creatures: 17


Average: 2.9

B 35 C 26 Lands 25
  • Creature: 17
    • Human: 8
    • Bat: 2
    • Warrior: 2
    • Vampire: 2
    • Cleric: 2
    • Phyrexian: 5
    • Praetor: 5
    • Werewolf: 4
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 6
  • Artifact: 1
  • Enchantment: 4
    • Saga: 2
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Liliana: 2
  • Land: 25
    • Swamp: 19
A video has not been provided.


2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 22Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Insatiable Avarice 13Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Tinybones Joins Up 2.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Tinybones, the Pickpocket 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 3.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Deep-Cavern Bat 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Vadmir, New Blood 4.02Dominaria United: Liliana of the Veil 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Kaervek, the Punisher 1.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rush of Dread 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bloodletter of Aclazotz 4.52Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Gisa, the Hellraiser 1.02The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 3.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02Dominaria United: Plaza of Heroes 19Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4.01Dominaria United: Cut Down 0.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 21Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Insatiable Avarice 4.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Parasitic Grasp 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 4.01Dominaria United: Liliana of the Veil 0.53March of the Machine: Glistening Deluge 4.01Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Graveyard Trespasser 5.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal
3 Cut Down
2 Insatiable Avarice
3 Tinybones Joins Up
3 Tinybones, the Pickpocket
3 Go for the Throat
3 Deep-Cavern Bat
1 Long Goodbye
3 Vadmir, New Blood
2 Liliana of the Veil
3 Kaervek, the Punisher
3 Rush of Dread
4 Bloodletter of Aclazotz
2 Gisa, the Hellraiser
2 Cavern of Souls
2 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Plaza of Heroes
19 Swamp

1 Cut Down
4 Duress
1 Insatiable Avarice
1 Parasitic Grasp
1 Long Goodbye
1 Liliana of the Veil
3 Glistening Deluge
1 Graveyard Trespasser
2 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal
(60) Common 19 Uncommon 10 Rare 18 Mythic 13

Spells: 17
Creatures: 18


Average: 2.3

B 35 C 25 Lands 25
  • Creature: 18
    • Skeleton: 3
    • Rogue: 6
    • Bat: 3
    • Vampire: 7
    • Human: 5
    • Warlock: 5
    • Demon: 4
  • Instant: 7
  • Sorcery: 5
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 3
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Liliana: 2
  • Land: 25
    • Swamp: 19


2 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Skrelv, Defector Mite 24Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Insatiable Avarice 4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Shrouded Shepherd 3.02Streets of New Capenna: Raffine's Informant 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Caustic Bronco 4.02Streets of New Capenna: Tenacious Underdog 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 3.54Dominaria United: Anointed Peacekeeper 4.54Dominaria United: Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 5.04The Brothers' War: Steel Seraph 1.02Streets of New Capenna: Shadow of Mortality 2.54Dominaria United: Caves of Koilos 4Kaladesh: Concealed Courtyard 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Shattered Sanctum 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Shadowy Backstreet 3.51Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Fortress 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 5Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
0.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 4.01Dominaria United: Cut Down 0.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 0.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 2Return to Ravnica: Rest in Peace 3.51March of the Machine: Invasion of Gobakhan 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Aven Interrupter 3.51The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Kutzil's Flanker 3.01Streets of New Capenna: Knockout Blow 4.02Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Touch the Spirit Realm
2 Skrelv, Defector Mite
4 Insatiable Avarice
3 Cut Down
2 Shrouded Shepherd
2 Raffine's Informant
4 Caustic Bronco
2 Tenacious Underdog
3 Go for the Throat
4 Anointed Peacekeeper
4 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
4 Steel Seraph
2 Shadow of Mortality
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Shattered Sanctum
4 Shadowy Backstreet
1 Restless Fortress
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
5 Swamp

1 Duress
1 Cut Down
1 Duress
1 Duress
2 Rest in Peace
1 Invasion of Gobakhan
3 Aven Interrupter
1 Kutzil's Flanker
1 Knockout Blow
2 Touch the Spirit Realm
(60) Common 7 Uncommon 8 Rare 41 Mythic 4

Spells: 10
Creatures: 26


Average: 3.3

W 10 B 22 C 28 Lands 24
  • Creature: 26
    • Phyrexian: 6
    • Mite: 2
    • Spirit: 2
    • Warrior: 4
    • Human: 8
    • Wizard: 2
    • Snake: 4
    • Horse: 4
    • Mount: 4
    • Cleric: 4
    • Praetor: 4
    • Angel: 4
    • Avatar: 2
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 6
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Plains: 4
    • Swamp: 9


3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
43Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Explosive Derailment 34Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Smuggler's Surprise 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Scorching Shot 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 2.53Murders at Karlov Manor: Archdruid's Charm 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Stingerback Terror 2.04March of the Machine: Invasion of Zendikar 54Core Set 2021: Terror of the Peaks 4.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Calamity, Galloping Inferno 2.54Dominaria United: Karplusan Forest 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Copperline Gorge 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 0.01The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 34Murders at Karlov Manor: Commercial District 5Streets of New Capenna: Forest 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
3 Explosive Derailment
4 Smuggler's Surprise
3 Scorching Shot
4 Brotherhood's End
3 Archdruid's Charm
4 Stingerback Terror
4 Invasion of Zendikar
4 Terror of the Peaks
4 Calamity, Galloping Inferno
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Copperline Gorge
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Demolition Field
4 Commercial District
5 Forest
5 Mountain
(58) Common 13 Uncommon 8 Rare 33 Mythic 4

Spells: 21
Creatures: 12


Average: 3.3

R 22 G 11 C 25 Lands 25
  • Creature: 12
    • Scorpion: 4
    • Dragon: 8
    • Horse: 4
    • Mount: 4
  • Instant: 10
  • Sorcery: 7
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 25
    • Mountain: 9
    • Forest: 9

Naya Legends

3 m Lobo Blanco | Icon
2.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Lunarch Veteran 2.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Hopeful Initiate 4.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Light Up the Night 3.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 3.04March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Coppercoat Vanguard 4.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 3.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Melira, the Living Cure 2.52The Brothers' War: Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard 3.53Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Adeline, Resplendent Cathar 3.54March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Animist's Might 4.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon 3.52March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Samut, Vizier of Naktamun 5.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Halana and Alena, Partners 4.02Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 0.04Dominaria United: Plaza of Heroes 2.52The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Copperline Gorge 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Razorverge Thicket 3.52Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Bivouac 1.04The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Prairie 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Ridgeline
0.53Innistrad: Crimson Vow: End the Festivities 1.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Tamiyo's Safekeeping 3.53March of the Machine: Invasion of Gobakhan 3.02Streets of New Capenna: Knockout Blow 0.51Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Urabrask's Forge
4 Lunarch Veteran
4 Hopeful Initiate
2 Light Up the Night
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Coppercoat Vanguard
2 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun
2 Melira, the Living Cure
2 Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard
3 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
4 Animist's Might
2 Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon
2 Samut, Vizier of Naktamun
3 Halana and Alena, Partners
2 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Plaza of Heroes
2 Battlefield Forge
2 Copperline Gorge
2 Razorverge Thicket
2 Restless Bivouac
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Restless Prairie
2 Restless Ridgeline

3 End the Festivities
1 Tamiyo's Safekeeping
3 Invasion of Gobakhan
2 Knockout Blow
1 Temporary Lockdown
3 Urabrask's Forge
(61) Common 4 Uncommon 8 Rare 43 Mythic 6

Spells: 6
Creatures: 31


Average: 2.2

W 18 R 4 G 4 C 24 M 11 Lands 24
  • Creature: 31
    • Human: 31
    • Cleric: 6
    • Warlock: 4
    • Soldier: 11
    • Knight: 5
    • Scout: 2
    • Warrior: 2
    • Ranger: 3
  • Instant: 0
  • Sorcery: 6
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
A video has not been provided.

Rakdos Outlaws ⚫️🔴

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
23March of the Machine: Corrupted Conviction 2.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Tinybones, the Pickpocket 13Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Tinybones Joins Up 4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 3.52Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 3.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Vadmir, New Blood 33Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier 24Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rakish Crew 53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Laughing Jasper Flint 4.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Hellspur Posse Boss 52Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rakdos, the Muscle 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Corrupted Conviction
3 Tinybones, the Pickpocket
3 Tinybones Joins Up
3 Cut Down
2 Long Goodbye
3 Bitter Triumph
3 Vadmir, New Blood
3 Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier
4 Rakish Crew
3 Laughing Jasper Flint
4 Hellspur Posse Boss
2 Rakdos, the Muscle
4 Haunted Ridge
2 Demolition Field
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Mountain
4 Swamp
(60) Common 11 Uncommon 17 Rare 27 Mythic 5

Spells: 18
Creatures: 18


Average: 2.3

B 24 R 4 C 24 M 8 Lands 24
  • Creature: 18
    • Skeleton: 3
    • Rogue: 13
    • Vampire: 3
    • Goblin: 3
    • Mercenary: 5
    • Lizard: 7
    • Demon: 2
  • Instant: 11
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 7
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Mountain: 4
    • Swamp: 4

Smithy Synthesizer 🤍💙

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 24Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 3.53The Brothers' War: Urza, Lord Protector 3.54The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Thousand Moons Smithy 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 5.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Unstable Glyphbridge 3.53The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Chimil, the Inner Sun 2.54Dominaria United: Adarkar Wastes 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Seachrome Coast 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Deserted Beach 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Island
4 Three Steps Ahead
4 Get Lost
4 No More Lies
3 Urza, Lord Protector
4 Thran Spider
4 Thousand Moons Smithy
3 Sunfall
1 Unstable Glyphbridge
3 The Mightstone and Weakstone
2 Chimil, the Inner Sun
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Deserted Beach
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Otawara, Soaring City
2 Demolition Field
4 Plains
3 Island
(55) Common 7 Uncommon 6 Rare 37 Mythic 5

Spells: 25
Creatures: 7


Average: 3.3

W 12 U 4 C 32 M 7 Lands 23
  • Creature: 7
    • Human: 3
    • Artificer: 3
    • Spider: 4
  • Instant: 12
  • Sorcery: 3
  • Artifact: 14
    • Powerstone: 3
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 23
    • Plains: 4
    • Island: 3

Powerstone Synthesizer 🔵🔴

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2.54Dominaria United: Fires of Victory 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3.54The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 4.04The Brothers' War: Visions of Phyrexia 3.54The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 4.53The Brothers' War: Cityscape Leveler 5.04The Brothers' War: Skitterbeam Battalion 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4Kaladesh: Spirebluff Canal 2.54Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Stormcarved Coast 3.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: The Mycosynth Gardens 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 3Streets of New Capenna: Island
4 Three Steps Ahead
4 Fires of Victory
4 Brotherhood's End
4 Thran Spider
4 Visions of Phyrexia
4 The Mightstone and Weakstone
3 Cityscape Leveler
4 Skitterbeam Battalion
2 Demolition Field
4 Spirebluff Canal
4 Shivan Reef
4 Stormcarved Coast
1 The Mycosynth Gardens
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Mountain
3 Island
(55) Common 7 Uncommon 6 Rare 35 Mythic 7

Spells: 20
Creatures: 11


Average: 4.3

U 4 R 12 C 39 Lands 24
  • Creature: 11
    • Spider: 4
    • Construct: 7
  • Instant: 8
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 15
    • Powerstone: 4
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Sphere: 1
    • Mountain: 4
    • Island: 3

Quick Bones ⚫️💀⚫️

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 34Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Forsaken Miner 2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Tinybones, the Pickpocket 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 2.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Stashed Skeleton 3.52Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Corpses of the Lost 3.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Hunted Bonebrute 1.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rush of Dread 3.51Wilds of Eldraine: The End 4.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bloodletter of Aclazotz 4.51Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Gisa, the Hellraiser 1.04The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 18Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Cut Down
4 Forsaken Miner
4 Tinybones, the Pickpocket
3 Bitter Triumph
4 Case of the Stashed Skeleton
2 Long Goodbye
4 Corpses of the Lost
4 Hunted Bonebrute
3 Rush of Dread
1 The End
3 Bloodletter of Aclazotz
1 Gisa, the Hellraiser
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Demolition Field
18 Swamp
(60) Common 18 Uncommon 14 Rare 16 Mythic 12

Spells: 20
Creatures: 16


Average: 2.3

B 36 C 24 Lands 24
  • Creature: 16
    • Skeleton: 12
    • Rogue: 8
    • Beast: 4
    • Vampire: 3
    • Demon: 3
    • Human: 1
    • Warlock: 1
  • Instant: 9
  • Sorcery: 3
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 8
    • Case: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Swamp: 18

IzzeTifacts v2 0 🔵🔴

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Spyglass Siren 34Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Filched Falcon 4.04Wilds of Eldraine: Torch the Tower 2.04Dominaria United: Yotia Declares War 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Scorching Shot 3.03March of the Machine: Invasion of Kaladesh 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Gleaming Geardrake 3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Zoetic Glyph 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 2.54Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4Kaladesh: Spirebluff Canal 3Streets of New Capenna: Island 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Spyglass Siren
4 Case of the Filched Falcon
4 Torch the Tower
4 Yotia Declares War
4 Scorching Shot
3 Invasion of Kaladesh
4 Gleaming Geardrake
4 Zoetic Glyph
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Otawara, Soaring City
4 Shivan Reef
4 Mirrex
4 Spirebluff Canal
3 Island
5 Mountain
(53) Common 12 Uncommon 27 Rare 14 Mythic 0

Spells: 23
Creatures: 8


Average: 1.7

U 12 R 12 C 22 M 7 Lands 22
  • Creature: 8
    • Siren: 4
    • Pirate: 4
    • Drake: 4
  • Instant: 4
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 12
    • Case: 4
    • Saga: 4
    • Aura: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Sphere: 4
    • Island: 3
    • Mountain: 5

IzzeTifacts v2 0 🔵🔴

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Spyglass Siren 34Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Filched Falcon 4.04Wilds of Eldraine: Torch the Tower 2.04Dominaria United: Yotia Declares War 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Scorching Shot 3.03March of the Machine: Invasion of Kaladesh 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Gleaming Geardrake 3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Zoetic Glyph 2.54Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 4Kaladesh: Spirebluff Canal 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 3Streets of New Capenna: Island 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Spyglass Siren
4 Case of the Filched Falcon
4 Torch the Tower
4 Yotia Declares War
4 Scorching Shot
3 Invasion of Kaladesh
4 Gleaming Geardrake
4 Zoetic Glyph
4 Shivan Reef
4 Spirebluff Canal
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Mirrex
3 Island
5 Mountain
(53) Common 12 Uncommon 27 Rare 14 Mythic 0

Spells: 23
Creatures: 8


Average: 1.7

U 12 R 12 C 22 M 7 Lands 22
  • Creature: 8
    • Siren: 4
    • Pirate: 4
    • Drake: 4
  • Instant: 4
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 12
    • Case: 4
    • Saga: 4
    • Aura: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Sphere: 4
    • Island: 3
    • Mountain: 5

Dimir Duelist 💙🖤

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Harrier Strix 43Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 3.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Proft's Eidetic Memory 44Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Duelist of the Mind 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 3.54The Brothers' War: Evangel of Synthesis 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Steamcore Scholar 1.52Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rush of Dread 3.52March of the Machine: Invasion of Amonkhet 4.53Dominaria United: Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 2.54The Brothers' War: Underground River 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 3Streets of New Capenna: Island 3Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4 Harrier Strix
3 Three Steps Ahead
3 Cut Down
4 Proft's Eidetic Memory
4 Duelist of the Mind
3 Bitter Triumph
4 Evangel of Synthesis
4 Steamcore Scholar
2 Rush of Dread
2 Invasion of Amonkhet
3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
4 Underground River
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Demolition Field
2 Restless Reef
3 Island
3 Swamp
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 14 Rare 33 Mythic 3

Spells: 17
Creatures: 19


Average: 2.1

U 19 B 11 C 24 M 6 Lands 24
  • Creature: 19
    • Bird: 4
    • Human: 8
    • Advisor: 4
    • Phyrexian: 7
    • Cleric: 4
    • Weird: 4
    • Detective: 4
    • Praetor: 3
  • Instant: 9
  • Sorcery: 2
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Island: 3
    • Swamp: 3

Golgari Aggro 🖤💚

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 4.54Dominaria United: Evolved Sleeper 3.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Cenote Scout 4.04March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Ayara's Oathsworn 3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 3.52Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 3.54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Vadmir, New Blood 4.54Dominaria United: Quirion Beastcaller 1.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Rush of Dread 4.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Bloated Contaminator 54Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Ornery Tumblewagg 2.54The Brothers' War: Llanowar Wastes 34Kaladesh: Blooming Marsh 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 4Streets of New Capenna: Forest 6Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Cut Down
4 Evolved Sleeper
3 Cenote Scout
4 Ayara's Oathsworn
3 Bitter Triumph
2 Long Goodbye
4 Vadmir, New Blood
4 Quirion Beastcaller
3 Rush of Dread
4 Bloated Contaminator
4 Ornery Tumblewagg
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Blooming Marsh
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Demolition Field
4 Forest
6 Swamp
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 13 Rare 37 Mythic 0

Spells: 11
Creatures: 27


Average: 2

B 23 G 15 C 22 Lands 22
  • Creature: 27
    • Human: 8
    • Merfolk: 3
    • Scout: 3
    • Knight: 4
    • Vampire: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Dryad: 4
    • Warrior: 4
    • Phyrexian: 4
    • Beast: 4
    • Brushwagg: 4
    • Mount: 4
  • Instant: 8
  • Sorcery: 3
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Forest: 4
    • Swamp: 6

Jund Disguise ⚫️🔴🟢

3 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Kumano Faces Kakkazan 3.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Cacophony Scamp 2.54Wilds of Eldraine: Monstrous Rage 2.03The Brothers' War: Giant Growth 3.04The Brothers' War: Audacity 2.53Wilds of Eldraine: Callous Sell-Sword 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Fugitive Codebreaker 3.54Wilds of Eldraine: Picnic Ruiner 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Pyrotechnic Performer 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Hunted Bonebrute 2.52Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 2.54Dominaria United: Karplusan Forest 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Copperline Gorge 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Boseiju, Who Endures 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 2.53Dominaria United: Thran Portal 1Streets of New Capenna: Forest 1Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 2Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan
4 Cacophony Scamp
4 Monstrous Rage
3 Giant Growth
4 Audacity
3 Callous Sell-Sword
4 Fugitive Codebreaker
4 Picnic Ruiner
4 Pyrotechnic Performer
4 Hunted Bonebrute
2 Sulfurous Springs
4 Karplusan Forest
2 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Copperline Gorge
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
3 Thran Portal
1 Forest
1 Swamp
2 Mountain
(60) Common 7 Uncommon 23 Rare 30 Mythic 0

Spells: 15
Creatures: 23


Average: 1.6

B 7 R 24 G 7 C 22 Lands 22
  • Creature: 23
    • Phyrexian: 4
    • Goblin: 12
    • Warrior: 4
    • Human: 3
    • Soldier: 3
    • Rogue: 8
    • Viashino: 4
    • Assassin: 4
    • Skeleton: 4
    • Beast: 4
  • Instant: 7
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 8
    • Saga: 4
    • Aura: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Gate: 3
    • Forest: 1
    • Swamp: 1
    • Mountain: 2

Izzet Eidetic Memory 🔵🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
1.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Consider 3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Spyglass Siren 0.51Zendikar Rising: Negate 3.04Ixalan: Chart a Course 3.04Streets of New Capenna: Faerie Vandal 3.54Streets of New Capenna: Ledger Shredder 1.52Streets of New Capenna: Make Disappear 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Proft's Eidetic Memory 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Steamcore Scholar 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Crimson Pulse 3.51The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Brass's Tunnel-Grinder 4.03Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy 2.54Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Stormcarved Coast 3.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 9Streets of New Capenna: Island
2.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Swirling Mist 1.03Streets of New Capenna: Slip Out the Back 2.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Swirling Mist 1.0/2.52Streets of New Capenna: Disdainful Stroke 0.51Zendikar Rising: Negate 1Murders at Karlov Manor: Lost in the Maze 3.03March of the Machine: Into the Fire 2.02Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Ambitious Assault 4.01Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy
4 Consider
4 Spyglass Siren
1 Negate
4 Chart a Course
4 Faerie Vandal
4 Ledger Shredder
2 Make Disappear
4 Proft's Eidetic Memory
4 Steamcore Scholar
3 Case of the Crimson Pulse
1 Brass's Tunnel-Grinder
3 Witchstalker Frenzy
4 Shivan Reef
4 Stormcarved Coast
2 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Mirrex
9 Island

1 March of Swirling Mist
3 Slip Out the Back
1 March of Swirling Mist
2 Disdainful Stroke
1 Negate
1 Lost in the Maze
3 Into the Fire
2 Ambitious Assault
1 Witchstalker Frenzy
(60) Common 16 Uncommon 15 Rare 29 Mythic 0

Spells: 22
Creatures: 16


Average: 2.2

U 31 R 7 C 22 Lands 22
  • Creature: 16
    • Siren: 4
    • Pirate: 4
    • Faerie: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Bird: 4
    • Advisor: 4
    • Weird: 4
    • Detective: 4
  • Instant: 10
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 1
  • Enchantment: 7
    • Case: 3
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Sphere: 2
    • Island: 9

Rebirth of the Ripper ⚫️🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
1.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Vat of Rebirth 1.0/3.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Churning Reservoir 3.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 1.54Wilds of Eldraine: Collector's Vault 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Urabrask's Forge 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 4.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Archfiend of the Dross 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Vein Ripper 5.01March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 4.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 3.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Vents 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4 Vat of Rebirth
4 Churning Reservoir
4 Bitter Triumph
2 Long Goodbye
4 Collector's Vault
4 Urabrask's Forge
4 Brotherhood's End
4 Archfiend of the Dross
4 Vein Ripper
1 Etali, Primal Conqueror
1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
4 Haunted Ridge
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
2 Restless Vents
4 Sulfurous Springs
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Mountain
4 Swamp
(60) Common 8 Uncommon 18 Rare 29 Mythic 5

Spells: 26
Creatures: 10


Average: 2.9

B 18 R 13 C 28 M 1 Lands 24
  • Creature: 10
    • Phyrexian: 5
    • Demon: 4
    • Vampire: 4
    • Assassin: 4
    • Elder: 1
    • Dinosaur: 1
    • Angel: 1
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 16
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Mountain: 4
    • Swamp: 4

Boros Smitty ⚪️🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.53The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Dusk Rose Reliquary 3.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Market Gnome 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Clay-Fired Bricks 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Spring-Loaded Sawblades 2.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Dowsing Device 1.0/4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Poetic Ingenuity 3.54The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Thousand Moons Smithy 5.04March of the Machine: Sunfall 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Chimil, the Inner Sun 2.54The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.52Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Bivouac 7Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
1.53March of the Machine: Lithomantic Barrage 2.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 2.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 3.53March of the Machine: Invasion of Gobakhan 4.02Streets of New Capenna: Unlicensed Hearse 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Chimil, the Inner Sun
3 Dusk Rose Reliquary
4 Market Gnome
4 Clay-Fired Bricks
4 Spring-Loaded Sawblades
4 Dowsing Device
4 Poetic Ingenuity
4 Thran Spider
4 Thousand Moons Smithy
4 Sunfall
1 Chimil, the Inner Sun
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Field of Ruin
4 Sundown Pass
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Restless Bivouac
7 Plains
3 Mountain

3 Lithomantic Barrage
1 Get Lost
2 Get Lost
3 Invasion of Gobakhan
2 Unlicensed Hearse
3 Brotherhood's End
1 Chimil, the Inner Sun
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 21 Rare 28 Mythic 1

Spells: 28
Creatures: 8


Average: 2.7

W 23 R 8 C 29 Lands 24
  • Creature: 8
    • Gnome: 4
    • Spider: 4
  • Instant: 0
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 28
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Plains: 7
    • Mountain: 3

Boros Convoke 1.0

4 m Lobo Blanco | Icon
4Murders at Karlov Manor: Novice Inspector 2.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Warden of the Inner Sky 3.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Gleeful Demolition 2.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Epicure 3.04Dominaria United: Resolute Reinforcements 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Gateway Express 4.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Sanguine Evangelist 4.02Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Wedding Announcement 3.54Wilds of Eldraine: Imodane's Recruiter 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Warleader's Call 4.04March of the Machine: Knight-Errant of Eos 2.53The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 3.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 1.03The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.04The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 4Streets of New Capenna: Plains 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
0.51March of the Machine: Surge of Salvation 1.51March of the Machine: Lithomantic Barrage 0.51Innistrad: Crimson Vow: End the Festivities 3.51March of the Machine: Invasion of Gobakhan 2.51Dominaria United: Destroy Evil 4.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Lantern Flare 2.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 3.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 3.01Streets of New Capenna: Citizen's Crowbar 4.01Strixhaven Mystical Archive: Lightning Helix 3.01Streets of New Capenna: Knockout Blow 4.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Wedding Announcement 5.01March of the Machine: Archangel Elspeth 4.01Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy
4 Novice Inspector
2 Warden of the Inner Sky
4 Gleeful Demolition
4 Voldaren Epicure
4 Resolute Reinforcements
3 Case of the Gateway Express
3 Sanguine Evangelist
2 Wedding Announcement
4 Imodane's Recruiter
3 Warleader's Call
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
3 Battlefield Forge
3 Sundown Pass
3 Cavern of Souls
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
4 Mishra's Foundry
4 Plains
4 Mountain

1 Surge of Salvation
1 Lithomantic Barrage
1 End the Festivities
1 Invasion of Gobakhan
1 Destroy Evil
1 Lantern Flare
1 Get Lost
1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Citizen's Crowbar
1 Lightning Helix
1 Knockout Blow
1 Wedding Announcement
1 Archangel Elspeth
1 Witchstalker Frenzy
(60) Common 16 Uncommon 15 Rare 26 Mythic 3

Spells: 12
Creatures: 25


Average: 2.3

W 22 R 12 C 23 M 3 Lands 23
  • Creature: 25
    • Human: 18
    • Detective: 4
    • Soldier: 6
    • Vampire: 7
    • Cleric: 3
    • Knight: 8
  • Instant: 0
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 8
    • Case: 3
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 23
    • Plains: 4
    • Mountain: 4
A video has not been provided.

Dinosaur Discovery 🤍❤️💚

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
0.52Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 4.04Streets of New Capenna: Fight Rigging 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Pugnacious Hammerskull 3.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Angelfire Ignition 4.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Geological Appraiser 2.52March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Nahiri's Resolve 5.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Quintorius Kand 5.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Trumpeting Carnosaur 5.02March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 2.51The Brothers' War: Brushland 2.52The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 2.51Dominaria United: Karplusan Forest 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Copperline Gorge 1.03The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 3.03Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Rockfall Vale 3.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 3.03Streets of New Capenna: Jetmir's Garden 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Elegant Parlor 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Lush Portico 1Murders at Karlov Manor: Commercial District 1Streets of New Capenna: Plains 1Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 2Streets of New Capenna: Forest
2 Temporary Lockdown
4 Fight Rigging
4 Pugnacious Hammerskull
4 Angelfire Ignition
4 Geological Appraiser
2 Nahiri's Resolve
2 Quintorius Kand
4 Trumpeting Carnosaur
2 Etali, Primal Conqueror
1 Brushland
2 Battlefield Forge
1 Karplusan Forest
2 Copperline Gorge
3 Cavern of Souls
3 Rockfall Vale
3 Sundown Pass
3 Jetmir's Garden
2 Elegant Parlor
2 Lush Portico
1 Commercial District
1 Plains
1 Mountain
2 Forest
(55) Common 4 Uncommon 4 Rare 42 Mythic 5

Spells: 14
Creatures: 14


Average: 4.1

W 2 R 10 G 8 C 27 M 8 Lands 27
  • Creature: 14
    • Dinosaur: 10
    • Human: 4
    • Artificer: 4
    • Elder: 2
  • Instant: 0
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 8
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Quintorius: 2
  • Land: 27
    • Mountain: 7
    • Forest: 8
    • Plains: 8

BIG RED! 🔴🔴🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Stonesplitter Bolt 4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Torch the Tower 1.0/2.54The Brothers' War: Sardian Cliffstomper 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3.54The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 4.03The Brothers' War: Visions of Phyrexia 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Koth, Fire of Resistance 3.53The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 1.51March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Karn, Legacy Reforged 4.53The Brothers' War: Cityscape Leveler 5.02The Brothers' War: Portal to Phyrexia 5.04The Brothers' War: Skitterbeam Battalion 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 2.51The Brothers' War: Hall of Tagsin 3.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: The Mycosynth Gardens 22Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
2 Stonesplitter Bolt
2 Torch the Tower
4 Sardian Cliffstomper
4 Brotherhood's End
4 Thran Spider
3 Visions of Phyrexia
3 Koth, Fire of Resistance
3 The Mightstone and Weakstone
1 Karn, Legacy Reforged
3 Cityscape Leveler
2 Portal to Phyrexia
4 Skitterbeam Battalion
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Hall of Tagsin
1 The Mycosynth Gardens
22 Mountain
(60) Common 24 Uncommon 6 Rare 20 Mythic 10

Spells: 19
Creatures: 16


Average: 4.5

R 18 C 42 Lands 25
  • Creature: 16
    • Minotaur: 4
    • Barbarian: 4
    • Spider: 4
    • Golem: 1
    • Construct: 7
  • Instant: 4
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Artifact: 17
    • Powerstone: 3
  • Enchantment: 3
  • Planeswalker: 3
    • Koth: 3
  • Land: 25
    • Sphere: 1
    • Mountain: 22

Justice Prevails ⚪️🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 1.54The Brothers' War: Bitter Reunion 1.54Wilds of Eldraine: Collector's Vault 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 4.04Streets of New Capenna: Depopulate 2.54Streets of New Capenna: Big Score 3.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Invoke Justice 4.52March of the Machine: Kroxa and Kunoros 5.03March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 4.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 2.54The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Elegant Parlor 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 5Streets of New Capenna: Plains
4 Get Lost
4 Bitter Reunion
4 Collector's Vault
4 Brotherhood's End
4 Depopulate
4 Big Score
4 Invoke Justice
2 Kroxa and Kunoros
3 Etali, Primal Conqueror
3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
4 Sundown Pass
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Elegant Parlor
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Field of Ruin
5 Mountain
5 Plains
(60) Common 18 Uncommon 6 Rare 31 Mythic 5

Spells: 28
Creatures: 8


Average: 3.9

W 12 R 15 C 28 M 5 Lands 24
  • Creature: 8
    • Elder: 5
    • Giant: 2
    • Dog: 2
    • Dinosaur: 3
    • Phyrexian: 3
    • Angel: 3
  • Instant: 8
  • Sorcery: 12
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Mountain: 7
    • Plains: 7

Jeskai Control ⚪️🔵🔴

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Otherworldly Light 2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 4Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 4.04Strixhaven Mystical Archive: Lightning Helix 0.54Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 2.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Dissipate 3.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: The Celestus 5.03Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: The Wandering Emperor 3.54Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Memory Deluge 3.51Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Jace, the Perfected Mind 5.01March of the Machine: Sunfall 5.03March of the Machine: Zurgo and Ojutai 4.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Farewell 2.51Dominaria United: Adarkar Wastes 2.51The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 2.51Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Deserted Beach 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Stormcarved Coast 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Elegant Parlor 1Murders at Karlov Manor: Thundering Falls 1Streets of New Capenna: Plains 1Streets of New Capenna: Island
3 March of Otherworldly Light
3 Get Lost
4 No More Lies
4 Lightning Helix
4 Temporary Lockdown
2 Dissipate
1 The Celestus
3 The Wandering Emperor
4 Memory Deluge
1 Jace, the Perfected Mind
1 Sunfall
3 Zurgo and Ojutai
1 Farewell
1 Adarkar Wastes
1 Battlefield Forge
1 Shivan Reef
4 Deserted Beach
4 Stormcarved Coast
4 Sundown Pass
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Otawara, Soaring City
4 Restless Anchorage
2 Elegant Parlor
1 Thundering Falls
1 Plains
1 Island
(60) Common 2 Uncommon 6 Rare 45 Mythic 7

Spells: 31
Creatures: 3


Average: 3.1

W 15 U 7 C 27 M 11 Lands 26
  • Creature: 3
    • Orc: 3
    • Dragon: 3
  • Instant: 20
  • Sorcery: 2
  • Artifact: 1
  • Enchantment: 4
  • Planeswalker: 4
    • Jace: 1
  • Land: 26
    • Mountain: 3
    • Plains: 3
    • Island: 2

Orzhov Vamps ⚪️⚫️

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 3.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Rite of Oblivion 4.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Welcoming Vampire 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Sanguine Evangelist 4.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Path of Peril 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Preacher of the Schism 5.03Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sorin the Mirthless 4.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Edgar, Charmed Groom 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Vein Ripper 2.54Dominaria United: Caves of Koilos 1.04The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Shattered Sanctum 1.0/3.51Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Estate 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.52Wilds of Eldraine: Restless Fortress 3Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Get Lost
3 Go for the Throat
2 Rite of Oblivion
4 Welcoming Vampire
4 Sanguine Evangelist
4 Path of Peril
4 Preacher of the Schism
3 Sorin the Mirthless
4 Edgar, Charmed Groom
4 Vein Ripper
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Field of Ruin
4 Shattered Sanctum
1 Voldaren Estate
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Restless Fortress
3 Plains
3 Swamp
(60) Common 6 Uncommon 7 Rare 36 Mythic 11

Spells: 15
Creatures: 20


Average: 3.3

W 11 B 18 C 25 M 6 Lands 25
  • Creature: 20
    • Vampire: 20
    • Cleric: 8
    • Noble: 4
    • Assassin: 4
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 6
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 3
    • Sorin: 3
  • Land: 25
    • Plains: 3
    • Swamp: 3

Still the best?! ❤️❤️❤️

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54Wilds of Eldraine: Monstrous Rage 2.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Kumano Faces Kakkazan 2.54The Brothers' War: Monastery Swiftspear 4.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Play with Fire 4.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Bloodthirsty Adversary 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Fugitive Codebreaker 4.04Dominaria United: Lightning Strike 3.53Dominaria United: Squee, Dubious Monarch 5.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Breeches, Eager Pillager 4.04Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Thundering Raiju 4.02Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.02The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 20Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Monstrous Rage
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Play with Fire
4 Bloodthirsty Adversary
4 Fugitive Codebreaker
4 Lightning Strike
3 Squee, Dubious Monarch
1 Breeches, Eager Pillager
4 Thundering Raiju
2 Witchstalker Frenzy
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Mishra's Foundry
20 Mountain
(61) Common 24 Uncommon 18 Rare 15 Mythic 4

Spells: 18
Creatures: 20


Average: 2

R 38 C 23 Lands 23
  • Creature: 20
    • Human: 4
    • Monk: 4
    • Vampire: 4
    • Goblin: 8
    • Rogue: 4
    • Noble: 3
    • Pirate: 1
    • Spirit: 4
  • Instant: 14
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 4
    • Saga: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 23
    • Mountain: 20

Azorius Mill 🤍💙

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 3.54Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Faithful Mending 4Murders at Karlov Manor: No More Lies 0.53Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 1.04The Brothers' War: Union of the Third Path 3.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: The Celestus 3.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Jace, the Perfected Mind 5.04March of the Machine: Sunfall 2.04The Brothers' War: Terisian Mindbreaker 2.54Dominaria United: Adarkar Wastes 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Seachrome Coast 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Deserted Beach 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Meticulous Archive 3Streets of New Capenna: Plains 3Streets of New Capenna: Island
4 Get Lost
4 Silver Scrutiny
4 Faithful Mending
4 No More Lies
3 Temporary Lockdown
4 Union of the Third Path
1 The Celestus
4 Jace, the Perfected Mind
4 Sunfall
4 Terisian Mindbreaker
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Deserted Beach
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Otawara, Soaring City
2 Restless Anchorage
2 Meticulous Archive
3 Plains
3 Island
(60) Common 10 Uncommon 8 Rare 38 Mythic 4

Spells: 32
Creatures: 4


Average: 3.3

W 15 U 8 C 29 M 8 Lands 24
  • Creature: 4
    • Juggernaut: 4
  • Instant: 16
  • Sorcery: 8
  • Artifact: 5
  • Enchantment: 3
  • Planeswalker: 4
    • Jace: 4
  • Land: 24
    • Plains: 5
    • Island: 5

White Weenies 🤍🤍🤍

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4Murders at Karlov Manor: Novice Inspector 3.04The Brothers' War: Recruitment Officer 2.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Warden of the Inner Sky 3.53March of the Machine: Elspeth's Smite 0.53March of the Machine: Surge of Salvation 2.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Hopeful Initiate 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Gateway Express 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Assemble the Players 3.04March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Coppercoat Vanguard 4.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Ossification 3.04Dominaria United: Resolute Reinforcements 1.04The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Commander Decks: Cavern of Souls 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 15Streets of New Capenna: Plains
4 Novice Inspector
4 Recruitment Officer
4 Warden of the Inner Sky
3 Elspeth's Smite
3 Surge of Salvation
4 Hopeful Initiate
4 Case of the Gateway Express
2 Assemble the Players
4 Coppercoat Vanguard
4 Ossification
4 Resolute Reinforcements
4 Cavern of Souls
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
15 Plains
(60) Common 19 Uncommon 26 Rare 11 Mythic 4

Spells: 16
Creatures: 24


Average: 1.5

W 40 C 20 Lands 20
  • Creature: 24
    • Human: 24
    • Detective: 4
    • Soldier: 16
    • Warlock: 4
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 10
    • Case: 4
    • Aura: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 20
    • Plains: 15

Outrageous Dimir 🔵⚫️

4 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Syncopate 4.04Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Wretched Sorrow 3.54Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Outrageous Robbery 1.53Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Witness the Future 1.03Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Devious Cover-Up 0.04Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mindsplice Apparatus 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 2.54The Brothers' War: Underground River 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 2Streets of New Capenna: Island 3Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
4 Syncopate
4 March of Wretched Sorrow
4 Silver Scrutiny
3 Go for the Throat
3 Sheoldred's Edict
4 Outrageous Robbery
3 Witness the Future
3 Devious Cover-Up
4 Mindsplice Apparatus
4 Deadly Cover-Up
4 Underground River
4 Darkslick Shores
2 Field of Ruin
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Otawara, Soaring City
2 Mirrex
2 Restless Reef
2 Island
3 Swamp
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 11 Rare 37 Mythic 0

Spells: 36
Creatures: 0


Average: 2.6

U 18 B 18 C 24 Lands 24
  • Creature: 0
  • Instant: 21
  • Sorcery: 11
  • Artifact: 4
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 24
    • Sphere: 2
    • Island: 2
    • Swamp: 3

Grixis Shenanigans 🔵⚫️🔴

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
0.52Zendikar Rising: Negate 3.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3.53March of the Machine: Invasion of Amonkhet 3.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Jace, the Perfected Mind 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Reenact the Crime 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Ill-Timed Explosion 4.03Dominaria United: The Cruelty of Gix 5.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Rakdos, Patron of Chaos 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Conspiracy Unraveler 4.53March of the Machine: Breach the Multiverse 5.01March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 4.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 2.51Dominaria United: Shivan Reef 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 2.51Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 3.01Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.01Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Stormcarved Coast 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.04Streets of New Capenna: Xander's Lounge 3.51The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Vents 1Streets of New Capenna: Island 1Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 1Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
2 Negate
4 Bitter Triumph
3 Brotherhood's End
3 Invasion of Amonkhet
2 Jace, the Perfected Mind
3 Reenact the Crime
3 Ill-Timed Explosion
3 The Cruelty of Gix
2 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal
2 Rakdos, Patron of Chaos
3 Conspiracy Unraveler
3 Breach the Multiverse
1 Etali, Primal Conqueror
1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
1 Shivan Reef
4 Darkslick Shores
1 Blackcleave Cliffs
2 Field of Ruin
1 Haunted Ridge
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Stormcarved Coast
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
4 Xander's Lounge
1 Restless Vents
1 Island
1 Swamp
1 Mountain
(60) Common 5 Uncommon 9 Rare 36 Mythic 10

Spells: 26
Creatures: 9


Average: 4.4

U 10 B 12 R 4 C 25 M 9 Lands 25
  • Creature: 9
    • Bat: 2
    • God: 2
    • Demon: 2
    • Sphinx: 3
    • Detective: 3
    • Elder: 1
    • Dinosaur: 1
    • Phyrexian: 1
    • Angel: 1
  • Instant: 9
  • Sorcery: 9
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 3
    • Saga: 3
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Jace: 2
  • Land: 25
    • Island: 5
    • Swamp: 5
    • Mountain: 5

Rakdos Disguise ⚫️🔴

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54Wilds of Eldraine: Monstrous Rage 1.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Ancestral Anger 2.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Kumano Faces Kakkazan 4.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Play with Fire 0.53Innistrad: Crimson Vow: End the Festivities 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2.53Wilds of Eldraine: Callous Sell-Sword 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Fugitive Codebreaker 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Pyrotechnic Performer 4.03Dominaria United: Lightning Strike 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Hunted Bonebrute 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 9Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Monstrous Rage
4 Ancestral Anger
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan
4 Play with Fire
3 End the Festivities
3 Go for the Throat
3 Callous Sell-Sword
4 Fugitive Codebreaker
4 Pyrotechnic Performer
3 Lightning Strike
4 Hunted Bonebrute
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Sulfurous Springs
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Swamp
9 Mountain
(60) Common 20 Uncommon 18 Rare 22 Mythic 0

Spells: 25
Creatures: 15


Average: 1.6

B 10 R 30 C 20 Lands 20
  • Creature: 15
    • Human: 3
    • Soldier: 3
    • Goblin: 4
    • Rogue: 4
    • Viashino: 4
    • Assassin: 4
    • Skeleton: 4
    • Beast: 4
  • Instant: 14
  • Sorcery: 7
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 4
    • Saga: 4
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 20
    • Swamp: 1
    • Mountain: 9

Pyrotechnics 🔴🔴🔴

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.54The Brothers' War: Monastery Swiftspear 2.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Kumano Faces Kakkazan 3.53Dominaria United: Phoenix Chick 4.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Play with Fire 2.54Wilds of Eldraine: Monstrous Rage 4.51Dominaria United: Shivan Devastator 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Pyrotechnic Performer 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Fugitive Codebreaker 4.04Dominaria United: Lightning Strike 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Case of the Crimson Pulse 4.03Wilds of Eldraine: Witchstalker Frenzy 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.02The Brothers' War: Mishra's Foundry 19Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan
3 Phoenix Chick
4 Play with Fire
4 Monstrous Rage
1 Shivan Devastator
4 Pyrotechnic Performer
4 Fugitive Codebreaker
4 Lightning Strike
3 Case of the Crimson Pulse
3 Witchstalker Frenzy
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Mishra's Foundry
19 Mountain
(60) Common 23 Uncommon 22 Rare 14 Mythic 1

Spells: 22
Creatures: 16


Average: 1.7

R 38 C 22 Lands 22
  • Creature: 16
    • Human: 4
    • Monk: 4
    • Phoenix: 3
    • Dragon: 1
    • Hydra: 1
    • Viashino: 4
    • Assassin: 4
    • Goblin: 4
    • Rogue: 4
  • Instant: 15
  • Sorcery: 0
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 7
    • Saga: 4
    • Case: 3
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 22
    • Mountain: 19

Unraveling Crimes 🔵⚫️

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.03Dominaria United: Cut Down 4.03March of the Machine: Rona, Herald of Invasion 3.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Bitter Triumph 3.53Dominaria United: Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator 4.04Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Kaito Shizuki 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Reenact the Crime 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Conspiracy Unraveler 4.54March of the Machine: Breach the Multiverse 5.02March of the Machine: Etali, Primal Conqueror 4.02Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Atraxa, Grand Unifier 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Otawara, Soaring City 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Shipwreck Marsh 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Undercity Sewers 2.54The Brothers' War: Underground River 3Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 3Streets of New Capenna: Island
3 Cut Down
3 Rona, Herald of Invasion
4 Bitter Triumph
3 Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator
4 Kaito Shizuki
4 Reenact the Crime
3 Deadly Cover-Up
3 Conspiracy Unraveler
4 Breach the Multiverse
2 Etali, Primal Conqueror
2 Atraxa, Grand Unifier
4 Darkslick Shores
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Restless Reef
4 Shipwreck Marsh
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
4 Undercity Sewers
4 Underground River
3 Swamp
3 Island
(60) Common 6 Uncommon 10 Rare 35 Mythic 9

Spells: 22
Creatures: 13


Average: 4.1

U 10 B 14 R 2 C 25 M 9 Lands 25
  • Creature: 13
    • Human: 3
    • Wizard: 6
    • Phyrexian: 5
    • Merfolk: 3
    • Sphinx: 3
    • Detective: 3
    • Elder: 2
    • Dinosaur: 2
    • Angel: 2
  • Instant: 11
  • Sorcery: 7
  • Artifact: 0
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 4
    • Kaito: 4
  • Land: 25
    • Island: 7
    • Swamp: 7

Krenko's Anvil ⚫️🔴

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
3.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Annihilating Glare 3.51Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Eaten Alive 3.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Gleeful Demolition 2.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Voldaren Epicure 3.04Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Voltage Surge 1.53The Brothers' War: Mishra's Research Desk 2.54The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Fanatical Offering 3.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Oni-Cult Anvil 3.54Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Bloodtithe Harvester 4.53Wilds of Eldraine: Gumdrop Poisoner 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Krenko, Baron of Tin Street 5.02Streets of New Capenna: Ob Nixilis, the Adversary 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp
3 Annihilating Glare
1 Eaten Alive
3 Gleeful Demolition
4 Voldaren Epicure
4 Voltage Surge
3 Mishra's Research Desk
4 Fanatical Offering
4 Oni-Cult Anvil
4 Bloodtithe Harvester
3 Gumdrop Poisoner
3 Krenko, Baron of Tin Street
2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary
4 Mirrex
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Haunted Ridge
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Mountain
4 Swamp
(60) Common 24 Uncommon 14 Rare 20 Mythic 2

Spells: 24
Creatures: 14


Average: 1.7

B 11 R 14 C 25 M 10 Lands 22
  • Creature: 14
    • Vampire: 8
    • Human: 3
    • Warlock: 3
    • Goblin: 3
  • Instant: 8
  • Sorcery: 7
  • Artifact: 7
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 2
    • Nixilis: 2
  • Land: 22
    • Sphere: 4
    • Mountain: 4
    • Swamp: 4

Boros Control 🤍❤️

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 4.03Strixhaven Mystical Archive: Lightning Helix 3.03The Brothers' War: Tocasia's Welcome 2.53Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Urabrask's Forge 3.53The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3Murders at Karlov Manor: Warleader's Call 3.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: The Celestus 5.03Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: The Wandering Emperor 4.03Streets of New Capenna: Depopulate 5.03March of the Machine: Sunfall 5.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Quintorius Kand 4.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Farewell 5.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: The Eternal Wanderer 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Chimil, the Inner Sun 2.54The Brothers' War: Battlefield Forge 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 3.04Innistrad: Crimson Vow: Sundown Pass 4.01Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 0.02Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Field of Ruin 7Streets of New Capenna: Plains 5Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
3 Get Lost
3 Lightning Helix
3 Tocasia's Welcome
3 Urabrask's Forge
3 Brotherhood's End
3 Warleader's Call
2 The Celestus
3 The Wandering Emperor
3 Depopulate
3 Sunfall
2 Quintorius Kand
1 Farewell
1 The Eternal Wanderer
1 Chimil, the Inner Sun
4 Battlefield Forge
2 Mirrex
4 Sundown Pass
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
2 Field of Ruin
7 Plains
5 Mountain
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 2 Rare 40 Mythic 6

Spells: 34
Creatures: 0


Average: 3.6

W 17 R 6 C 29 M 8 Lands 26
  • Creature: 0
  • Instant: 6
  • Sorcery: 10
  • Artifact: 6
  • Enchantment: 6
  • Planeswalker: 6
    • Quintorius: 2
  • Land: 26
    • Sphere: 2
    • Plains: 7
    • Mountain: 5

Rakdos Robbery ⚫️🔴

5 m L0nE-F0x | Icon
4.04Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: March of Wretched Sorrow 4.01Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Light Up the Night 4.03The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2.03Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Outrageous Robbery 3.54The Brothers' War: Brotherhood's End 3.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: The Celestus 2.54Streets of New Capenna: Big Score 5.04Wilds of Eldraine: Decadent Dragon 4Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 5.03March of the Machine: Chandra, Hope's Beacon 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3.51Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 3.04Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Haunted Ridge 2.54Dominaria United: Sulfurous Springs 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Blackcleave Cliffs 3.52The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Vents 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 4Streets of New Capenna: Mountain
4 March of Wretched Sorrow
1 Light Up the Night
3 Go for the Throat
3 Sheoldred's Edict
4 Outrageous Robbery
4 Brotherhood's End
2 The Celestus
4 Big Score
4 Decadent Dragon
4 Deadly Cover-Up
3 Chandra, Hope's Beacon
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
4 Haunted Ridge
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
2 Restless Vents
4 Swamp
4 Mountain
(60) Common 12 Uncommon 6 Rare 39 Mythic 3

Spells: 32
Creatures: 4


Average: 3.1

B 18 R 16 C 26 Lands 24
  • Creature: 4
    • Dragon: 4
  • Instant: 18
  • Sorcery: 9
  • Artifact: 2
  • Enchantment: 0
  • Planeswalker: 3
    • Chandra: 3
  • Land: 24
    • Swamp: 4
    • Mountain: 4
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