Mono White
2 Claws Out
1 Raise the Past
1 Felidar Retreat
1 Assemble the Players
1 Acrobatic Leap
1 Petrify
1 Getaway Glamer
1 Trapped in the Screen
1 Stasis Snare
1 Case of the Uneaten Feast
1 Authority of the Consuls
1 Make Your Move
2 Prideful Parent
1 Ingenious Leonin
1 Regal Caracal
1 Cat Collector
1 Skyknight Squire
1 Ironpaw Aspirant
2 Helpful Hunter
3 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Leonin Vanguard
3 Dawnwing Marshal
2 Savannah Lions
1 Roaming Throne
1 Arahbo, the First Fang
1 Lionheart Glimmer
1 Felidar Savior
23 Plains
1 Hidden Courtyard
Spells: 13
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.6
36 25 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 22
- Soldier: 10
- Human: 1
- Citizen: 1
- Scout: 1
- Warrior: 1
- Golem: 1
- Avatar: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Beast: 1
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 1
- Artifact: 1
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 1
- Case: 1
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 23
- Cave: 1
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Prideful Parent
2 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Leonin Vanguard
2 Regal Caracal
1 Jazal Goldmane
1 Cat Collector
4 Helpful Hunter
2 Enduring Innocence
3 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Felidar Retreat
2 Claws Out
1 Banner of Kinship
1 Raise the Past
2 Authority of the Consuls
1 Expel the Interlopers
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
24 Plains
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.8
35 25 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 19
- Soldier: 6
- Rabbit: 2
- Cleric: 2
- Avatar: 2
- Warrior: 1
- Human: 1
- Citizen: 1
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 1
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 3
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
4 Skrelv's Hive
3 Soul Partition
3 Case of the Uneaten Feast
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Get Lost
4 Split Up
2 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Carrot Cake
2 Authority of the Consuls
3 Enduring Innocence
2 Archangel Elspeth
15 Plains
4 Fountainport
4 Mirrex
Spells: 34
Creatures: 3
Creatures: 3
Average: 2.6
37 23 23
Creature: 3
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 6
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 18
- Case: 3
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 23
- Plains: 15
- Sphere: 4
Mono White
4 Case of the Uneaten Feast
4 Day of Judgment
3 Banner of Kinship
4 Raise the Past
2 Doubling Season
16 Hare Apparent
3 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Mentor of the Meek
14 Plains
3 Three Tree City
4 Blossoming Sands
Spells: 17
Creatures: 22
Creatures: 22
Average: 2.7
34 2 24 21
Creature: 22
- Rabbit: 19
- Noble: 16
- Cleric: 3
- Human: 3
- Soldier: 3
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 8
- Artifact: 3
Enchantment: 6
- Case: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 14
Mono White
18 Hare Apparent
1 Valley Questcaller
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
1 Pollen-Shield Hare
1 Essence Channeler
2 Warren Warleader
2 Enduring Innocence
1 Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation // Temple of Civilization
4 Rabbit Response
1 Virtue of Loyalty
2 Raise the Past
24 Plains
Spells: 6
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 2.6
37 24 25
Creature: 30
- Rabbit: 26
- Noble: 18
- Warrior: 1
- Cleric: 5
- Bat: 1
- Knight: 2
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- God: 1
- //: 1
- : 1
- Plains: 24
Mono White
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
20 Hare Apparent
2 Skyknight Squire
2 Crusader of Odric
1 Warren Warleader
1 No Witnesses
4 Raise the Past
1 Split Up
3 Patchwork Banner
1 Day of Judgment
14 Plains
4 Lupinflower Village
3 Hidden Courtyard
Spells: 10
Creatures: 29
Creatures: 29
Average: 2.4
36 24 21
Creature: 29
- Rabbit: 25
- Cleric: 4
- Noble: 20
- Cat: 2
- Scout: 2
- Human: 2
- Soldier: 2
- Knight: 1
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 7
- Artifact: 3
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 14
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Agatha's Soul Cauldron
3 Lay Down Arms
4 Sunfall
3 Elspeth's Smite
3 Get Lost
4 Carrot Cake
3 Mazemind Tome
4 Caretaker's Talent
2 Soul-Guide Lantern
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
17 Plains
4 Fountainport
3 Meticulous Archive
Spells: 30
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.4
27 33 24
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 13
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 8
- Class: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
- Island: 3
Mono White
3 Elspeth's Smite
3 Lay Down Arms
3 Carrot Cake
3 Get Lost
3 Mazemind Tome
3 Caretaker's Talent
3 Sunfall
1 Day of Judgment
3 Felidar Retreat
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Requisition Raid
2 Not on My Watch
2 Enduring Innocence
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Archangel Elspeth
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
18 Plains
3 Meticulous Archive
3 Fountainport
Spells: 34
Creatures: 3
Creatures: 3
Average: 2.5
34 27 24
Creature: 3
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Elemental: 1
- Elk: 1
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 9
Artifact: 6
- Food: 3
Enchantment: 10
- Class: 3
Planeswalker: 3
- Elspeth: 2
- Ajani: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 21
- Island: 3
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Sunfall
4 Get Lost
3 Requisition Raid
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
1 Tocasia's Welcome
1 Tablet of Compleation
4 Elspeth's Smite
2 Skrelv's Hive
1 White Sun's Twilight
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Enduring Innocence
17 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 34
Creatures: 2
Creatures: 2
Average: 2.3
35 25 24
Creature: 2
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 12
Artifact: 5
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 9
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 17
- Cave: 3
Mono White
3.51 2.51 3.02 3.51 3.51 4.01 5.01 3.52 31 4.01 1 0.01
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Urza's Sylex
1 White Sun's Twilight
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Get Lost
3 Sunfall
3 Skrelv's Hive
1 Dawn's Truce
2 Soul Partition
2 Collector's Vault
3 Split Up
2 Final Showdown
1 Soul-Guide Lantern
1 Archangel Elspeth
1 The Eternal Wanderer
1 Enduring Innocence
15 Plains
4 Mirrex
3 Demolition Field
3 Fountainport
1 Anointed Peacekeeper
1 Ironpaw Aspirant
2 Airlift Chaplain
1 Woodland Acolyte
1 Claim Jumper
1 Werefox Bodyguard
1 Serra Paragon
2 Holy Cow
1 Frontier Seeker
1 Chimil, the Inner Sun
1 Another Round
1 Calamity's Wake
Spells: 34
Creatures: 1
Creatures: 1
Average: 2.6
28 32 25
Creature: 1
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 11
- Artifact: 7
Enchantment: 8
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 25
- Plains: 15
- Sphere: 4
Mono White
3 Rest in Peace
3 Authority of the Consuls
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
3 Sunfall
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
3 Split Up
1 Archangel Elspeth
2 Enduring Innocence
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
18 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 31
Creatures: 4
Creatures: 4
Average: 2.7
35 25 25
Creature: 4
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 14
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
1 Angelic Destiny
4 Claws Out
2 Stasis Snare
2 Valorous Stance
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Felidar Cub
4 Helpful Hunter
1 Jazal Goldmane
4 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
4 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
20 Plains
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.6
36 24 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Beast: 2
- Warrior: 1
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Aura: 1
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2 Healer's Hawk
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Leonin Vanguard
3 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Essence Channeler
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Leyline of Hope
3 Get Lost
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Sunfall
24 Plains
Spells: 13
Creatures: 23
Creatures: 23
Average: 2
36 24 24
Creature: 23
- Bird: 2
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Cat: 7
- Soldier: 7
- Bat: 7
- Human: 3
- Noble: 3
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
1 Acrobatic Leap
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Fleeting Flight
2 Moment of Triumph
1 Take Up the Shield
4 Destroy Evil
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Ajani's Pridemate
1 Sun-Blessed Healer
1 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Essence Channeler
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
3 Leonin Vanguard
1 Charming Prince
1 Archangel Elspeth
21 Plains
1 Tranquil Cove
Spells: 14
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 1.7
39 22 22
Creature: 25
- Bird: 4
- Cat: 7
- Soldier: 7
- Human: 5
- Cleric: 6
- Rabbit: 1
- Noble: 4
- Bat: 8
- Instant: 9
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 4
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 22
- Plains: 21
Mono White
4 Case of the Uneaten Feast
1 Leyline Axe
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Essence Channeler
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Cat Collector
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Enduring Innocence
2 Loran of the Third Path
17 Plains
4 Fountainport
Spells: 9
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 1.9
38 22 21
Creature: 30
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Bat: 8
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Human: 6
- Citizen: 4
- Bird: 4
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Artificer: 2
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
Artifact: 1
- Equipment: 1
Enchantment: 12
- Case: 4
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 17
Mono White
5.01 3 3.52 3.53 2 0.51 0.52 41
2 Virtue of Loyalty
3 Sunfall
2 Soul Partition
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Get Lost
4 Carrot Cake
4 Caretaker's Talent
1 Day of Judgment
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
4 Enduring Innocence
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Kutzil's Flanker
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Sunken Citadel
2 Fountainport
20 Plains
1 Serra Paragon
3 Authority of the Consuls
2 Elspeth's Smite
3 Exorcise
2 Rest in Peace
1 Temporary Lockdown
2 Surge of Salvation
1 Split Up
Spells: 26
Creatures: 10
Creatures: 10
Average: 3.1
36 24 24
Creature: 10
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Cat: 2
- Warrior: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Cave: 2
- Plains: 20
Mono White
5.02 51 3.52 2 0.54 5.02 3.52
4 Overlord of the Mistmoors
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
3 Authority of the Consuls
2 Exorcise
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Parting Gust
4 Sunfall
4 Fountainport
16 Plains
4 Meticulous Archive
2 Serra Paragon
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Exorcise
2 Rest in Peace
4 Temporary Lockdown
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Jace, the Perfected Mind
Spells: 29
Creatures: 7
Creatures: 7
Average: 3
36 24 24
Creature: 7
- Avatar: 4
- Horror: 4
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
- Island: 4
Mono White
4.02 0.53
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Loran of the Third Path
3 Sunfall
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Parting Gust
4 Carrot Cake
4 Elspeth's Smite
1 Rest in Peace
4 Skrelv's Hive
1 Tocasia's Welcome
1 Trapped in the Screen
2 Virtue of Loyalty
3 Archangel Elspeth
20 Plains
2 Loran of the Third Path
3 Temporary Lockdown
Spells: 31
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 2.9
40 20 20
Creature: 9
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Elemental: 4
- Elk: 4
- Human: 1
- Artificer: 1
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 3
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 17
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 3
- Elspeth: 3
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2.51 3.01 1 4.01 5.01 1 1 1 1 4.01 2.51 1
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Charming Prince
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Exemplar of Light
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Essence Channeler
3 Case of the Uneaten Feast
3 Exorcise
4 Elspeth's Smite
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
22 Plains
1 Leonin Vanguard
1 Angel of Vitality
1 Dazzling Angel
1 Inspiring Overseer
1 Lyra Dawnbringer
1 Regal Caracal
1 Sun-Blessed Healer
1 Authority of the Consuls
1 Fumigate
1 Crawling Barrens
1 Mirrex
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
Spells: 12
Creatures: 26
Creatures: 26
Average: 1.9
38 22 22
Creature: 26
- Human: 7
- Noble: 7
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Angel: 3
- Bird: 4
- Bat: 4
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 3
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Case: 3
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 22
- Plains: 22
Mono White
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Twinblade Paladin
4 Exemplar of Light
2 Resplendent Angel
2 Angel of Vitality
4 Enduring Innocence
2 Exorcise
2 Authority of the Consuls
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
23 Plains
Spells: 7
Creatures: 31
Creatures: 31
Average: 2.5
38 23 23
Creature: 31
- Human: 7
- Noble: 3
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 4
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Bird: 4
- Knight: 4
- Angel: 8
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 6
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 23
- Plains: 23
Mono White
1 Temporary Lockdown
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
18 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 27
Creatures: 8
Creatures: 8
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 8
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
2 Helpful Hunter
4 Leonin Skyhunter
1 Skyknight Squire
2 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
3 Cat Collector
3 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Roaming Throne
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Ruin-Lurker Bat
1 Enduring Innocence
1 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Claws Out
1 Felidar Retreat
2 Patchwork Banner
4 Exorcise
1 Authority of the Consuls
1 Case of the Uneaten Feast
1 Eriette's Lullaby
1 Leyline Axe
1 Ossification
1 Planar Disruption
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
18 Plains
3 Cavern of Souls
2 Three Tree City
1 Blossoming Sands
Spells: 16
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 2.4
36 29 24
Creature: 25
- Cat: 17
- Knight: 4
- Scout: 1
- Soldier: 6
- Human: 3
- Citizen: 3
- Avatar: 3
- Golem: 2
- Bat: 2
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Instant: 1
- Sorcery: 5
Artifact: 5
- Equipment: 1
Enchantment: 7
- Aura: 3
- Case: 1
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 18
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Helpful Hunter
1 Skyknight Squire
1 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Cat Collector
2 Regal Caracal
1 Felidar Savior
2 Crusader of Odric
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
1 Bounding Felidar
1 Roaming Throne
1 Felidar Retreat
2 Claws Out
1 Eriette's Lullaby
1 Collector's Cage
2 Petrify
4 Pacifism
2 Valorous Stance
1 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
1 Angelic Edict
4 Heraldic Banner
1 Leyline Axe
24 Plains
Spells: 20
Creatures: 20
Creatures: 20
Average: 3.2
34 30 24
Creature: 20
- Cat: 12
- Soldier: 6
- Scout: 1
- Avatar: 2
- Human: 6
- Citizen: 4
- Beast: 2
- Horror: 1
- Mount: 1
- Golem: 1
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 2
Artifact: 7
- Equipment: 1
Enchantment: 10
- Aura: 6
- Room: 2
- //: 1
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
1.01 4.51
1 Regal Caracal
1 Hinterland Sanctifier
1 Dazzling Angel
3 Exemplar of Light
2 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Cat Collector
2 Skyknight Squire
2 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Healer's Hawk
1 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
1 Lifecreed Duo
1 Leonin Vanguard
1 Jazal Goldmane
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
1 Felidar Retreat
1 Caretaker's Talent
1 Tocasia's Welcome
2 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Lay Down Arms
1 Dawn's Truce
1 Hop to It
1 Exorcise
1 Archangel Elspeth
1 Drannith Ruins
2 Mirrex
1 Fountainport
17 Plains
3 Rogue's Passage
1 Hidden Courtyard
1 Soulless Jailer
1 Sword of Once and Future
Spells: 15
Creatures: 20
Creatures: 20
Average: 2.7
35 25 25
Creature: 20
- Cat: 9
- Rabbit: 1
- Cleric: 1
- Angel: 4
- Soldier: 3
- Human: 3
- Citizen: 2
- Scout: 2
- Avatar: 2
- Bird: 3
- Noble: 1
- Bat: 1
- Warrior: 1
- Instant: 1
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 11
- Room: 4
- //: 2
- Class: 1
- Case: 2
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 25
- Sphere: 2
- Plains: 17
- Cave: 1
Mono White
1.01 4.51
2 Regal Caracal
1 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Exemplar of Light
2 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Cat Collector
3 Skyknight Squire
2 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Healer's Hawk
1 Lifecreed Duo
1 Leonin Vanguard
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
1 Felidar Retreat
1 Caretaker's Talent
2 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Lay Down Arms
1 Dawn's Truce
1 Hop to It
2 Exorcise
1 Split Up
1 Archangel Elspeth
1 Drannith Ruins
2 Mirrex
1 Fountainport
15 Plains
4 Rogue's Passage
1 Hidden Courtyard
1 Soulless Jailer
1 Sword of Once and Future
Spells: 16
Creatures: 20
Creatures: 20
Average: 2.7
36 24 24
Creature: 20
- Cat: 10
- Rabbit: 1
- Cleric: 1
- Angel: 3
- Soldier: 3
- Human: 3
- Citizen: 3
- Scout: 3
- Avatar: 2
- Bird: 3
- Bat: 1
- Instant: 1
- Sorcery: 6
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 10
- Room: 4
- //: 2
- Class: 1
- Case: 2
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 24
- Sphere: 2
- Plains: 15
- Cave: 1
Mono White
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Elspeth's Smite
3 Raise the Past
3 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Leonin Vanguard
4 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Helpful Hunter
2 Cat Collector
3 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Regal Caracal
4 Essence Channeler
2 Roaming Throne
23 Plains
Spells: 12
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 2.3
35 25 23
Creature: 25
- Rabbit: 2
- Cleric: 6
- Cat: 15
- Soldier: 7
- Human: 2
- Citizen: 2
- Avatar: 3
- Bat: 4
- Golem: 2
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 3
- Artifact: 2
Enchantment: 7
- Case: 2
- Aura: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 23
- Plains: 23
Mono White
4 Case of the Uneaten Feast
1 Claws Out
2 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Felidar Retreat
2 Ossification
3 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Helpful Hunter
1 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
2 Felidar Savior
3 Regal Caracal
2 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Leonin Vanguard
2 Skyknight Squire
3 Prideful Parent
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
25 Plains
Spells: 11
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.5
35 25 25
Creature: 24
- Rabbit: 3
- Cleric: 3
- Cat: 20
- Soldier: 6
- Human: 1
- Noble: 1
- Beast: 2
- Avatar: 2
- Scout: 2
- Instant: 1
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 9
- Case: 4
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 25
- Plains: 25
Mono White
1.01 4.51
2 Regal Caracal
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
1 Serra Redeemer
2 Exemplar of Light
1 Enduring Innocence
2 Ruin-Lurker Bat
3 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Cat Collector
2 Skyknight Squire
2 Arahbo, the First Fang
1 Healer's Hawk
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
2 Split Up
1 Felidar Retreat
1 In the Trenches
1 Virtue of Loyalty
1 Caretaker's Talent
1 Tocasia's Welcome
2 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Lay Down Arms
2 Surge of Salvation
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
1 Drannith Ruins
2 Mirrex
1 Fountainport
15 Plains
3 Rogue's Passage
1 Hidden Courtyard
1 Soulless Jailer
1 Sword of Once and Future
Spells: 18
Creatures: 19
Creatures: 19
Average: 2.9
37 23 23
Creature: 19
- Cat: 9
- Avatar: 3
- Horror: 1
- Angel: 3
- Soldier: 4
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Bat: 2
- Human: 2
- Citizen: 2
- Scout: 2
- Bird: 1
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 15
- Room: 4
- //: 2
- Class: 1
- Case: 2
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 23
- Sphere: 2
- Plains: 15
- Cave: 1
Mono White
1.01 4.51
1 Knight of Dawn's Light
1 Regal Caracal
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
1 Serra Redeemer
2 Exemplar of Light
2 Enduring Innocence
2 Ruin-Lurker Bat
2 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Cat Collector
1 Skyknight Squire
1 Arahbo, the First Fang
1 Crystal Barricade
1 Grand Abolisher
1 Final Showdown
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
1 Raise the Past
1 Split Up
1 Elspeth's Smite
1 Felidar Retreat
1 In the Trenches
1 Virtue of Loyalty
1 Caretaker's Talent
1 Tocasia's Welcome
1 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Lay Down Arms
1 Get Lost
1 Exorcise
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
1 Drannith Ruins
2 Mirrex
1 Fountainport
15 Plains
3 Rogue's Passage
1 Hidden Courtyard
1 Soulless Jailer
1 Sword of Once and Future
Spells: 19
Creatures: 18
Creatures: 18
Average: 2.9
37 23 23
Creature: 18
- Human: 4
- Knight: 1
- Cat: 5
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 1
- Angel: 3
- Soldier: 3
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Bat: 2
- Citizen: 2
- Scout: 1
- Wall: 1
- Cleric: 1
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 5
- Artifact: 1
Enchantment: 15
- Room: 4
- //: 2
- Class: 1
- Case: 1
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 23
- Sphere: 2
- Plains: 15
- Cave: 1
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
3 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Raise the Past
20 Plains
Spells: 9
Creatures: 31
Creatures: 31
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 31
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 7
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 3
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 1
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
3 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Enduring Innocence
4 Essence Channeler
2 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Authority of the Consuls
2 Get Lost
3 Case of the Uneaten Feast
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Celestial Armor
3 Lay Down Arms
2 Surge of Salvation
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
20 Plains
Spells: 21
Creatures: 19
Creatures: 19
Average: 1.9
40 20 20
Creature: 19
- Human: 3
- Noble: 3
- Bat: 7
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Cleric: 6
- Rabbit: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 3
Artifact: 2
- Equipment: 2
Enchantment: 13
- Case: 3
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Carrot Cake
2 Soul Partition
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Enduring Innocence
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Archangel Elspeth
18 Plains
4 Fountainport
3 Sunken Citadel
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.2
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Ossification
4 Prayer of Binding
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Sunfall
4 Carrot Cake
2 Day of Judgment
2 Rest in Peace
2 Authority of the Consuls
3 Archangel Elspeth
17 Plains
2 Fountainport
2 Mirrex
2 Demolition Field
Spells: 37
Creatures: 0
Creatures: 0
Average: 2.8
37 23 23
- Creature: 0
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 16
- Aura: 4
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 3
- Elspeth: 3
Land: 23
- Plains: 17
- Sphere: 2
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
3 Carrot Cake
1 Season of the Burrow
1 Elspeth's Smite
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
18 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 27
Creatures: 8
Creatures: 8
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 8
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 9
Artifact: 3
- Food: 3
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
16 Hare Apparent
4 Valley Questcaller
3 Enduring Innocence
4 Get Lost
3 Raise the Past
4 No Witnesses
4 Helping Hand
18 Plains
4 Lupinflower Village
Spells: 15
Creatures: 23
Creatures: 23
Average: 2.3
38 22 22
Creature: 23
- Rabbit: 20
- Noble: 16
- Warrior: 4
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 11
- Artifact: 0
- Enchantment: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 18
Mono White
15 Hare Apparent
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 No Witnesses
4 Day of Judgment
4 Raise the Past
3 Patchwork Banner
19 Plains
3 Fountainport
Spells: 19
Creatures: 19
Creatures: 19
Average: 2.7
35 25 22
Creature: 19
- Rabbit: 19
- Noble: 15
- Cleric: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 12
- Artifact: 3
Enchantment: 4
- Class: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 19
Mono White
4 Authority of the Consuls
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
3 Leyline of Hope
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Essence Channeler
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Leonin Vanguard
3 Skrelv, Defector Mite
4 Healer's Hawk
22 Plains
Spells: 11
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 1.7
41 22 22
Creature: 30
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Human: 3
- Noble: 3
- Bat: 8
- Phyrexian: 3
- Mite: 3
- Bird: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 3
Enchantment: 11
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 22
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
20 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 8
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Elspeth's Smite
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Mazemind Tome
4 Sunfall
4 Fountainport
3 Meticulous Archive
17 Plains
Spells: 30
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.6
32 28 24
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 8
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 8
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
- Island: 3
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Get Lost
2 Ossification
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Sunfall
4 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Carrot Cake
2 Exorcise
3 Enduring Innocence
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Archangel Elspeth
16 Plains
4 Fountainport
3 Sunken Citadel
Spells: 30
Creatures: 7
Creatures: 7
Average: 3.1
37 23 23
Creature: 7
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 14
- Aura: 2
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 23
- Plains: 16
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Get Lost
3 Sunfall
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Authority of the Consuls
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
4 Carrot Cake
3 Toby, Beastie Befriender
4 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Ghostly Dancers
2 Fountainport
2 Mirrex
22 Plains
2 Split Up
Spells: 25
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.8
34 26 26
Creature: 9
- Human: 3
- Wizard: 3
- Avatar: 4
- Horror: 4
- Spirit: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 18
- Class: 4
- Room: 8
- //: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 26
- Sphere: 2
- Plains: 22
Mono White
2 Archangel Elspeth
1 The Eternal Wanderer
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Enduring Innocence
2 Ghostly Dancers
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Toby, Beastie Befriender
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
3 Get Lost
3 Lay Down Arms
2 Parting Gust
1 Season of the Burrow
3 Sunfall
1 Demolition Field
2 Fountainport
1 Mishra's Foundry
19 Plains
2 Sunken Citadel
Spells: 25
Creatures: 10
Creatures: 10
Average: 3.6
35 25 25
Creature: 10
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Spirit: 2
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Human: 2
- Wizard: 2
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
- Room: 4
- //: 2
Planeswalker: 3
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 19
- Cave: 2
Mono White
12 Hare Apparent
4 Splitskin Doll
4 Enduring Innocence
2 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Helpful Hunter
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
4 Raise the Past
2 Get Lost
2 Split Up
2 Day of Judgment
2 Authority of the Consuls
17 Plains
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Fountainport
1 Mirrex
Spells: 14
Creatures: 26
Creatures: 26
Average: 2.7
40 20 20
Creature: 26
- Rabbit: 14
- Noble: 12
- Toy: 4
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Cleric: 2
- Cat: 4
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 8
- Artifact: 4
Enchantment: 10
- Room: 4
- //: 2
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 17
- Sphere: 1
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
2 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Star Charter
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
20 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 6
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 2
- Bat: 10
- Cleric: 10
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
4 Regal Caracal
4 Leonin Vanguard
2 Kutzil's Flanker
4 Roaming Throne
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
3 Get Lost
2 Patchwork Banner
15 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Three Tree City
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 5
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 2.6
29 31 25
Creature: 30
- Cat: 26
- Soldier: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Golem: 4
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- Plains: 15
Mono White
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Savannah Lions
2 Kutzil's Flanker
2 Regal Caracal
1 Adaptive Automaton
4 Skyknight Squire
1 Roaming Throne
3 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
4 Get Lost
1 Authority of the Consuls
17 Plains
3 Three Tree City
2 Cavern of Souls
Spells: 9
Creatures: 29
Creatures: 29
Average: 2.4
36 24 22
Creature: 29
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Construct: 1
- Scout: 4
- Golem: 1
- Human: 3
- Knight: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 2
Enchantment: 5
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 17
Mono White
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Felidar Cub
4 Helpful Hunter
1 Jazal Goldmane
4 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
4 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Claws Out
1 Stasis Snare
1 Valorous Stance
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
20 Plains
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.4
36 24 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Beast: 2
- Warrior: 1
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 5
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2 Builder's Talent
3 Lay Down Arms
4 Caretaker's Talent
3 Get Lost
3 Not on My Watch
3 Sunfall
3 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Carrot Cake
2 Sunder the Gateway
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
1 Loran of the Third Path
20 Plains
2 Mirrex
2 Fountainport
Spells: 29
Creatures: 7
Creatures: 7
Average: 2.9
36 24 24
Creature: 7
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Human: 1
- Artificer: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 13
- Class: 6
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
- Sphere: 2
Mono White
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
3 Elspeth's Smite
3 Get Lost
3 Lay Down Arms
4 Sunfall
4 Mazemind Tome
3 Authority of the Consuls
3 Fountainport
3 Fabled Passage
17 Plains
Spells: 30
Creatures: 7
Creatures: 7
Average: 2.6
33 27 23
Creature: 7
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 8
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 23
- Plains: 17
Mono White
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
3 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
2 Roaming Throne
4 Claws Out
3 Elspeth's Smite
1 Authority of the Consuls
3 Get Lost
2 Patchwork Banner
17 Plains
2 Soulstone Sanctuary
3 Cavern of Souls
Spells: 16
Creatures: 22
Creatures: 22
Average: 2.4
34 26 22
Creature: 22
- Cat: 20
- Avatar: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Golem: 2
- Instant: 10
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 4
- Enchantment: 1
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 22
- Plains: 17
Mono White
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
1 Angelic Destiny
4 Claws Out
2 Stasis Snare
2 Valorous Stance
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Felidar Cub
4 Helpful Hunter
1 Jazal Goldmane
4 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
4 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
20 Plains
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.6
36 24 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Beast: 2
- Warrior: 1
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Aura: 1
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
Mono White
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Savannah Lions
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Regal Caracal
2 Felidar Cub
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
3 Roaming Throne
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
2 Get Lost
3 Elspeth's Smite
2 Patchwork Banner
2 Soulstone Sanctuary
2 Cavern of Souls
18 Plains
Spells: 9
Creatures: 29
Creatures: 29
Average: 2.4
33 27 22
Creature: 29
- Cat: 26
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Beast: 2
- Avatar: 4
- Golem: 3
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 5
- Enchantment: 0
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 22
- Plains: 18
Mono White
3 Exemplar of Light
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Essence Channeler
3 Skrelv, Defector Mite
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Steel Seraph
2 Healer's Hawk
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
21 Plains
Spells: 6
Creatures: 33
Creatures: 33
Average: 2.3
37 23 21
Creature: 33
- Angel: 5
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Bat: 8
- Human: 3
- Noble: 3
- Cleric: 8
- Phyrexian: 3
- Mite: 3
- Rabbit: 4
- Bird: 2
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 5
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 21
- Plains: 21
Mono White
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Exemplar of Light
3 Essence Channeler
1 Lyra Dawnbringer
4 Authority of the Consuls
3 Helping Hand
3 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Virtue of Loyalty
1 Valkyrie's Call
1 Celestial Armor
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
24 Plains
Spells: 19
Creatures: 23
Creatures: 23
Average: 2.4
42 24 24
Creature: 23
- Human: 4
- Noble: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 7
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Angel: 4
- Bat: 3
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 3
Artifact: 1
- Equipment: 1
Enchantment: 14
- Aura: 4
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
20 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 8
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
20 Hare Apparent
1 Enduring Innocence
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Raise the Past
3 Caretaker's Talent
4 Tocasia's Welcome
4 Case of the Uneaten Feast
1 No Witnesses
4 Expel the Interlopers
4 Vanish into Eternity
2 Banner of Kinship
32 Plains
Spells: 26
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 2.6
49 34 32
Creature: 25
- Rabbit: 24
- Noble: 20
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Cleric: 4
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 9
- Artifact: 2
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 3
- Case: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 32
- Plains: 32
Mono White
1 5.01
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
21 Hare Apparent
4 Pollen-Shield Hare
4 Regal Bunnicorn
1 Delney, Streetwise Lookout
3 Roaming Throne
1 Assemble the Players
3 Raise the Past
3 Patchwork Banner
21 Plains
4 Lupinflower Village
1 Serra Redeemer
1 Virtue of Loyalty
Spells: 7
Creatures: 37
Creatures: 37
Average: 2.3
38 31 25
Creature: 37
- Rabbit: 33
- Cleric: 4
- Noble: 21
- Unicorn: 4
- Human: 1
- Scout: 1
- Golem: 3
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 3
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 1
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- Plains: 21
Mono White
21 Hare Apparent
3 Rabbit Response
2 Lay Down Arms
4 Patchwork Banner
2 Banner of Kinship
3 Dewdrop Cure
2 Raise the Past
24 Plains
Spells: 16
Creatures: 21
Creatures: 21
Average: 2.6
31 30 24
Creature: 21
- Rabbit: 21
- Noble: 21
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 7
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
4 Case of the Uneaten Feast
3 Dewdrop Cure
3 Raise the Past
1 Patchwork Banner
4 Day of Judgment
2 Banner of Kinship
3 Caretaker's Talent
16 Hare Apparent
3 Hinterland Sanctifier
19 Plains
3 Three Tree City
Spells: 20
Creatures: 19
Creatures: 19
Average: 2.5
36 25 22
Creature: 19
- Rabbit: 19
- Noble: 16
- Cleric: 3
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 10
- Artifact: 3
Enchantment: 7
- Case: 4
- Class: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 19
Mono White
4 Caretaker's Talent
3 Not on My Watch
2 Raise the Past
2 Patchwork Banner
3 Banishing Light
3 Planar Disruption
2 Authority of the Consuls
16 Hare Apparent
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Inspiring Overseer
20 Plains
Spells: 19
Creatures: 23
Creatures: 23
Average: 2.2
40 22 20
Creature: 23
- Rabbit: 20
- Noble: 16
- Cleric: 7
- Angel: 3
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 2
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
- Aura: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Elspeth's Smite
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Mazemind Tome
4 Sunfall
4 Fountainport
3 Meticulous Archive
17 Plains
Spells: 30
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.6
32 28 24
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 8
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 8
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
- Island: 3
Mono White
2 3.54 3.51 2 41
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Get Lost
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
4 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Archangel Elspeth
18 Plains
4 Fountainport
3 Sunken Citadel
2 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie
4 Elspeth's Smite
1 Exorcise
2 Rest in Peace
1 Split Up
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Elemental: 4
- Elk: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Carrot Cake
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Sunfall
4 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Lay Down Arms
3 Get Lost
1 Destroy Evil
3 Archangel Elspeth
2 The Eternal Wanderer
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
3 Enduring Innocence
20 Plains
4 Fountainport
1 Sunken Citadel
Spells: 29
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 3.5
35 25 25
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 1
- Elk: 1
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 13
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 5
- Elspeth: 3
Land: 25
- Plains: 20
- Cave: 1
Mono White
1 Regal Caracal
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Helpful Hunter
3 Arahbo, the First Fang
3 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
2 Felidar Cub
3 Roaming Throne
2 Stasis Snare
4 Claws Out
3 Sheltered by Ghosts
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
24 Plains
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.6
33 27 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 21
- Soldier: 4
- Avatar: 3
- Scout: 4
- Beast: 2
- Golem: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 3
Enchantment: 5
- Aura: 3
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
20 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 8
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
2 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
19 Plains
4 Caves of Koilos
Spells: 8
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 2.2
38 23 23
Creature: 30
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 6
- Noble: 2
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 23
- Plains: 19
Mono White
2.51 3.51 3.04 2 2.51 3.52 0.51 2.02 1
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Essence Channeler
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
4 Leyline of Hope
20 Plains
1 Cathar Commando
1 Kutzil's Flanker
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Rest in Peace
1 Ghost Vacuum
2 Exorcise
1 Surge of Salvation
2 Get Lost
1 Dawn's Truce
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Bird: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Human: 8
- Knight: 4
- Noble: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Enduring Innocence
3 Overlord of the Mistmoors
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Surge of Salvation
4 Get Lost
2 Lay Down Arms
3 Mazemind Tome
3 Sunfall
2 Split Up
2 Authority of the Consuls
1 Rest in Peace
1 Calamity's Wake
1 Virtue of Loyalty
3 Fountainport
18 Plains
2 Demolition Field
Spells: 31
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 3
34 26 23
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Avatar: 3
- Horror: 3
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 7
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 23
- Plains: 18
Mono White
2 Virtue of Loyalty
3 Caretaker's Talent
2 Carrot Cake
2 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Skrelv's Hive
4 Elspeth's Smite
2 Sunfall
2 Seal from Existence
2 Split Up
1 Season of the Burrow
2 Surge of Salvation
1 Day of Judgment
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
3 Enduring Innocence
2 Fountainport
18 Plains
4 Fabled Passage
Spells: 33
Creatures: 3
Creatures: 3
Average: 2.5
36 24 24
Creature: 3
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Instant: 8
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 2
- Food: 2
Enchantment: 16
- Class: 3
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 18
Mono White
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Archangel Elspeth
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Get Lost
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
4 Carrot Cake
4 Caretaker's Talent
2 Virtue of Loyalty
18 Plains
4 Fountainport
3 Sunken Citadel
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Elemental: 4
- Elk: 4
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
1 Loran of the Third Path
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Enduring Innocence
3 Overlord of the Mistmoors
3 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
3 Sunfall
3 Authority of the Consuls
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
2 Split Up
1 Rest in Peace
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Fountainport
21 Plains
Spells: 28
Creatures: 8
Creatures: 8
Average: 3.3
36 24 24
Creature: 8
- Human: 1
- Artificer: 1
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Avatar: 3
- Horror: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 9
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 16
- Class: 3
- Room: 4
- //: 2
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 21
Mono White
3 3.53 3 2 3.51 3.53
1 Loran of the Third Path
2 Sanguine Evangelist
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
1 Serra Paragon
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Sunfall
3 Soul Partition
1 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
2 Temporary Lockdown
1 Archangel Elspeth
4 Fountainport
2 Sunken Citadel
17 Plains
2 Demolition Field
3 Crystal Barricade
3 Kutzil's Flanker
3 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie
2 Authority of the Consuls
1 Elspeth's Smite
3 Exorcise
Spells: 27
Creatures: 8
Creatures: 8
Average: 3
35 25 25
Creature: 8
- Human: 1
- Artificer: 1
- Vampire: 2
- Cleric: 2
- Elemental: 1
- Elk: 1
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Angel: 1
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
- Room: 2
- //: 1
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 25
- Cave: 2
- Plains: 17
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Regal Caracal
2 Kutzil's Flanker
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Roaming Throne
3 Get Lost
2 Patchwork Banner
3 Elspeth's Smite
16 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 8
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 2.4
32 28 22
Creature: 30
- Cat: 26
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Soldier: 4
- Golem: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 16
Mono White
4 Carrot Cake
4 Get Lost
2 Season of the Burrow
4 Lay Down Arms
3 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Caretaker's Talent
2 Elspeth's Smite
2 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Sanguine Evangelist
2 Toby, Beastie Befriender
1 Archangel Elspeth
18 Plains
4 Fountainport
2 Mirrex
Spells: 28
Creatures: 8
Creatures: 8
Average: 3.2
36 24 24
Creature: 8
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Vampire: 4
- Cleric: 4
- Human: 2
- Wizard: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 9
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 10
- Class: 4
- Room: 4
- //: 2
Planeswalker: 1
- Elspeth: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 18
- Sphere: 2
Mono White
3 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
3 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
4 Sun-Blessed Healer
18 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 22
Creatures: 13
Creatures: 13
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 13
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Human: 4
- Cleric: 4
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 7
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 10
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Leyline of Hope
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
20 Plains
Spells: 8
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.2
40 20 20
Creature: 32
- Cat: 8
- Soldier: 8
- Bird: 4
- Human: 8
- Noble: 4
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 8
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 20
- Plains: 20
Mono White
1 31 2 2 2.51
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Regal Caracal
4 Skyknight Squire
2 Prideful Parent
4 Adaptive Automaton
4 Roaming Throne
2 Kutzil's Flanker
1 Banner of Kinship
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
14 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Fabled Passage
1 Three Tree City
1 Soulstone Sanctuary
1 Fountainport
1 Felidar Cub
1 Lionheart Glimmer
2 Prideful Parent
2 Claws Out
1 Patchwork Banner
Spells: 5
Creatures: 32
Creatures: 32
Average: 2.8
28 32 23
Creature: 32
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Construct: 4
- Golem: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 9
Enchantment: 4
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 23
- Plains: 14
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
4 Regal Caracal
4 Leonin Vanguard
2 Kutzil's Flanker
4 Roaming Throne
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
3 Get Lost
2 Patchwork Banner
17 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 5
Creatures: 30
Creatures: 30
Average: 2.6
29 31 25
Creature: 30
- Cat: 26
- Soldier: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Golem: 4
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- Plains: 17
Mono White
3 Authority of the Consuls
3 Get Lost
3 Day of Judgment
4 Caretaker's Talent
3 Sunfall
3 Elspeth's Smite
3 High Noon
3 Felidar Retreat
1 Season of the Burrow
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
3 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Lyra Dawnbringer
1 Herald of Eternal Dawn
15 Plains
1 Mountain
2 Fountainport
1 Blast Zone
2 Demolition Field
4 Fabled Passage
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.5
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Avatar: 3
- Horror: 3
- Angel: 3
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 7
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 16
- Class: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- Plains: 15
- Mountain: 1
Mono White
3 Authority of the Consuls
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Get Lost
2 Virtue of Loyalty
3 Caretaker's Talent
2 Exorcise
3 Felidar Retreat
2 Day of Judgment
3 Sunfall
3 High Noon
3 Enduring Innocence
3 Regal Caracal
15 Plains
2 Demolition Field
4 Fabled Passage
3 Fountainport
1 Mountain
1 Rest in Peace
Spells: 29
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.9
35 25 25
Creature: 6
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Cat: 3
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 11
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 17
- Class: 3
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 25
- Plains: 15
- Mountain: 1
Mono White
3.51 3.51 5.01
2 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
2 Sunfall
1 Season of the Burrow
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Temporary Lockdown
1 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Carrot Cake
2 Split Up
1 Requisition Raid
1 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
1 Destroy Evil
2 Sanguine Evangelist
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Toby, Beastie Befriender
4 Overlord of the Mistmoors
2 Enduring Innocence
19 Plains
2 Mirrex
2 Fountainport
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Kutzil's Flanker
1 Exorcise
1 Felidar Retreat
Spells: 25
Creatures: 11
Creatures: 11
Average: 3.4
36 24 24
Creature: 11
- Vampire: 2
- Cleric: 2
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Human: 1
- Wizard: 1
- Avatar: 4
- Horror: 4
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 15
- Class: 4
- Room: 2
- //: 1
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 24
- Plains: 19
- Sphere: 2
Mono White
4 Ajani's Pridemate
1 Leonin Vanguard
2 Healer's Hawk
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
2 Skrelv, Defector Mite
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Essence Channeler
4 Enduring Innocence
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Sun-Blessed Healer
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
22 Plains
Spells: 4
Creatures: 34
Creatures: 34
Average: 2.2
38 22 22
Creature: 34
- Cat: 5
- Soldier: 5
- Bird: 2
- Human: 9
- Noble: 3
- Phyrexian: 2
- Mite: 2
- Knight: 4
- Bat: 8
- Cleric: 10
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 2
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 22
Mono White
2 Banner of Kinship
1 Authority of the Consuls
2 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Raise the Past
1 Felidar Retreat
2 Claws Out
1 Heraldic Banner
2 Patchwork Banner
2 Cooped Up
2 Exorcise
1 Valkyrie's Call
4 Helpful Hunter
3 Skyknight Squire
3 Arahbo, the First Fang
1 Regal Caracal
2 Dawnwing Marshal
3 Leonin Vanguard
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Cat Collector
18 Plains
2 Cavern of Souls
1 Rogue's Passage
Spells: 17
Creatures: 22
Creatures: 22
Average: 2.7
34 26 21
Creature: 22
- Cat: 20
- Scout: 3
- Avatar: 3
- Soldier: 9
- Human: 2
- Citizen: 2
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 3
- Artifact: 5
Enchantment: 7
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 21
- Plains: 18
Mono White
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Leonin Vanguard
3 Prideful Parent
4 Regal Caracal
4 Helpful Hunter
2 Adaptive Automaton
3 Ajani's Pridemate
3 Getaway Glamer
3 Claws Out
4 Patchwork Banner
18 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
Spells: 10
Creatures: 28
Creatures: 28
Average: 2.7
32 28 22
Creature: 28
- Cat: 26
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Soldier: 7
- Construct: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 18
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Archangel Elspeth
3 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
21 Plains
4 Fountainport
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.2
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Elemental: 3
- Elk: 3
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 12
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 21
Mono White
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Archangel Elspeth
4 Beza, the Bounding Spring
4 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
18 Plains
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
Spells: 26
Creatures: 9
Creatures: 9
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 9
- Elemental: 4
- Elk: 4
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 18
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Ajani's Pridemate
4 Essence Channeler
2 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Exemplar of Light
2 Enduring Innocence
3 Ruin-Lurker Bat
2 Sun-Blessed Healer
3 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Elspeth's Smite
2 Lay Down Arms
2 Get Lost
2 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
22 Plains
Spells: 13
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 2
38 22 22
Creature: 25
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 10
- Cat: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Bat: 7
- Human: 4
- Noble: 2
- Angel: 4
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 2
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 7
- Case: 3
- Aura: 2
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 22
- Plains: 22
Mono White
4 Healer's Hawk
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
4 Ajani's Pridemate
1 Charming Prince
2 Essence Channeler
2 Exemplar of Light
1 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
1 Resplendent Angel
2 Leonin Vanguard
2 Angel of Vitality
2 Inspiring Overseer
2 Elspeth's Smite
3 Case of the Uneaten Feast
2 Exorcise
2 Sheltered by Ghosts
2 Eriette's Lullaby
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
24 Plains
Spells: 13
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 1.9
38 24 24
Creature: 25
- Bird: 4
- Rabbit: 4
- Cleric: 8
- Cat: 6
- Soldier: 6
- Human: 2
- Noble: 2
- Bat: 2
- Angel: 7
- Instant: 2
- Sorcery: 4
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 5
- Case: 3
- Aura: 2
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 24
Mono White
1 Authority of the Consuls
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Skrelv's Hive
4 Sunfall
3 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
1 Sheltered by Ghosts
1 Builder's Talent
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
1 Enduring Innocence
2 Overlord of the Mistmoors
22 Plains
1 Sunken Citadel
2 Fountainport
Spells: 30
Creatures: 5
Creatures: 5
Average: 3.1
35 25 25
Creature: 5
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 1
- Glimmer: 1
- Avatar: 2
- Horror: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 15
- Class: 5
- Aura: 1
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 22
- Cave: 1
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
3 Regal Caracal
4 Leonin Vanguard
3 Roaming Throne
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
2 Felidar Cub
3 Valorous Stance
2 Patchwork Banner
2 Stasis Snare
1 Banner of Kinship
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
17 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
1 Three Tree City
Spells: 10
Creatures: 28
Creatures: 28
Average: 2.5
32 28 22
Creature: 28
- Cat: 25
- Soldier: 4
- Golem: 3
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Beast: 2
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 2
Planeswalker: 2
- Ajani: 2
Land: 22
- Plains: 17
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
3 Leonin Vanguard
2 Felidar Cub
3 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
3 Jazal Goldmane
2 Regal Caracal
2 Valorous Stance
2 Stasis Snare
3 Claws Out
1 Petrify
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
22 Plains
2 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 11
Creatures: 25
Creatures: 25
Average: 2.6
36 24 24
Creature: 25
- Cat: 25
- Soldier: 3
- Beast: 2
- Scout: 4
- Avatar: 4
- Warrior: 3
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Aura: 1
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 22
Mono White
4 Savannah Lions
3 Regal Caracal
4 Leonin Vanguard
2 Roaming Throne
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Skyknight Squire
1 Kutzil's Flanker
1 Jazal Goldmane
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
2 Valorous Stance
2 Patchwork Banner
3 Claws Out
16 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 10
Creatures: 27
Creatures: 27
Average: 2.7
33 28 24
Creature: 27
- Cat: 25
- Soldier: 4
- Golem: 2
- Avatar: 4
- Scout: 4
- Warrior: 2
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 4
- Enchantment: 0
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 16
Mono White
3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
2 Felidar Cub
4 Helpful Hunter
1 Jazal Goldmane
4 Leonin Vanguard
1 Regal Caracal
4 Savannah Lions
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Claws Out
2 Valorous Stance
1 Angelic Destiny
2 Stasis Snare
20 Plains
4 Soulstone Sanctuary
Spells: 12
Creatures: 24
Creatures: 24
Average: 2.6
36 24 24
Creature: 24
- Cat: 24
- Avatar: 4
- Beast: 2
- Warrior: 1
- Soldier: 4
- Scout: 4
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 3
- Aura: 1
Planeswalker: 3
- Ajani: 3
Land: 24
- Plains: 20
Mono White
3.53 4
4 Helpful Hunter
4 Leonin Skyhunter
4 Skyknight Squire
4 Leonin Vanguard
4 Regal Caracal
4 Arahbo, the First Fang
4 Roaming Throne
1 Claws Out
4 Get Lost
2 Patchwork Banner
1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
18 Plains
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Three Tree City
3 Kutzil's Flanker
4 Felidar Cub
Spells: 8
Creatures: 28
Creatures: 28
Average: 2.7
30 30 24
Creature: 28
- Cat: 24
- Knight: 4
- Scout: 4
- Soldier: 4
- Avatar: 4
- Golem: 4
- Instant: 5
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 6
- Enchantment: 0
Planeswalker: 1
- Ajani: 1
Land: 24
- Plains: 18
Mono White
2 0.51 42 3 3.53
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Soul Partition
4 Sunfall
2 Virtue of Loyalty
4 Get Lost
3 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
2 Authority of the Consuls
2 Exorcise
2 Archangel Elspeth
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
3 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
16 Plains
2 Demolition Field
3 Sunken Citadel
4 Fountainport
2 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie
1 Temporary Lockdown
2 Split Up
3 Rest in Peace
3 Elspeth's Smite
Spells: 29
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.9
35 25 25
Creature: 6
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 3
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 25
- Plains: 16
- Cave: 3
Mono White
4 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
4 Skrelv's Hive
3 Authority of the Consuls
1 Case of the Uneaten Feast
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Split Up
4 Lay Down Arms
3 Get Lost
2 Enduring Innocence
1 Hinterland Sanctifier
2 Skyknight Squire
1 Mondrak, Glory Dominus
20 Plains
3 Fountainport
Spells: 31
Creatures: 6
Creatures: 6
Average: 2.7
37 23 23
Creature: 6
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Rabbit: 1
- Cleric: 1
- Cat: 2
- Scout: 2
- Phyrexian: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 3
- Sorcery: 8
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 22
- Room: 8
- //: 4
- Case: 1
- Class: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 23
- Plains: 20
Mono White
51 2 3.54 3.51 2 0.52
2 Archangel Elspeth
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Enduring Innocence
4 Lay Down Arms
2 Day of Judgment
1 Season of the Burrow
4 Sunfall
4 Get Lost
4 Carrot Cake
4 Caretaker's Talent
3 Felidar Retreat
2 Rest in Peace
1 Exorcise
2 Temporary Lockdown
2 Demolition Field
4 Fountainport
15 Plains
3 Fabled Passage
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring
2 Authority of the Consuls
4 Elspeth's Smite
1 Exorcise
2 Rest in Peace
2 Temporary Lockdown
Spells: 33
Creatures: 3
Creatures: 3
Average: 3
36 24 24
Creature: 3
- Elemental: 1
- Elk: 1
- Sheep: 2
- Glimmer: 2
- Instant: 4
- Sorcery: 12
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 13
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 15
Mono White
1 Loran of the Third Path
3 Sanguine Evangelist
2 Beza, the Bounding Spring
3 Enduring Innocence
1 Overlord of the Mistmoors
4 Caretaker's Talent
4 Carrot Cake
4 Get Lost
4 Lay Down Arms
4 Sunfall
2 Soul Partition
1 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery
2 Exorcise
1 Authority of the Consuls
2 Archangel Elspeth
4 Fountainport
2 Sunken Citadel
17 Plains
Spells: 28
Creatures: 10
Creatures: 10
Average: 3
38 23 23
Creature: 10
- Human: 1
- Artificer: 1
- Vampire: 3
- Cleric: 3
- Elemental: 2
- Elk: 2
- Sheep: 3
- Glimmer: 3
- Avatar: 1
- Horror: 1
- Instant: 6
- Sorcery: 10
Artifact: 4
- Food: 4
Enchantment: 11
- Class: 4
- Room: 2
- //: 1
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 23
- Cave: 2
- Plains: 17
Mono White
4 Caretaker's Talent
1 Season of the Burrow
4 Get Lost
3 Carrot Cake
3 Sunfall
2 White Sun's Twilight
2 Surge of Salvation
3 Lay Down Arms
2 Split Up
1 Calamity's Wake
2 Virtue of Loyalty
2 Resolute Reinforcements
4 Overlord of the Mistmoors
1 Kutzil's Flanker
2 Archangel Elspeth
18 Plains
3 Mirrex
3 Fountainport
Spells: 29
Creatures: 7
Creatures: 7
Average: 3.2
36 24 24
Creature: 7
- Human: 2
- Soldier: 2
- Avatar: 4
- Horror: 4
- Cat: 1
- Warrior: 1
- Instant: 7
- Sorcery: 11
Artifact: 3
- Food: 3
Enchantment: 10
- Class: 4
Planeswalker: 2
- Elspeth: 2
Land: 24
- Plains: 18
- Sphere: 3
Mono White
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
2 Healer's Hawk
4 Ajani's Pridemate
2 Sun-Blessed Healer
4 Hinterland Sanctifier
3 Linden, the Steadfast Queen
4 Essence Channeler
4 Ruin-Lurker Bat
4 Enduring Innocence
3 Leonin Vanguard
4 Sheltered by Ghosts
22 Plains
Spells: 4
Creatures: 34
Creatures: 34
Average: 2.2
38 22 22
Creature: 34
- Human: 9
- Knight: 4
- Bird: 2
- Cat: 7
- Soldier: 7
- Cleric: 10
- Rabbit: 4
- Noble: 3
- Bat: 8
- Sheep: 4
- Glimmer: 4
- Instant: 0
- Sorcery: 0
- Artifact: 0
Enchantment: 8
- Aura: 4
- Planeswalker: 0
Land: 22
- Plains: 22