
14 d
4.04Dominaria United: Cut Down 44Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 2.54Murders at Karlov Manor: Deduce 0.53Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 3.01Wilds of Eldraine: Farsight Ritual 4.04The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2.51Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Intimidation Campaign 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 2.03Wilds of Eldraine: Quick Study 3.01Dominaria United: Rona's Vortex 2.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 3.51Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 21Bloomburrow: Spellgyre 5.01Wilds of Eldraine: Virtue of Persistence 1Bloomburrow: Wishing Well 4.51Wilds of Eldraine: Horned Loch-Whale 3.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Tishana's Tidebinder 3.51The Brothers' War: Blast Zone 2.54Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 0.04The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.54Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Dismal Backwater 31Core Set 2021: Fabled Passage 2Streets of New Capenna: Island 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4.04The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 4Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 2.51The Brothers' War: Underground River
4 Cut Down
4 Deadly Cover-Up
4 Deduce
3 Duress
1 Farsight Ritual
4 Go for the Throat
1 Intimidation Campaign
1 Long Goodbye
3 Quick Study
1 Rona's Vortex
1 Sheoldred's Edict
1 Silver Scrutiny
1 Spellgyre
1 Virtue of Persistence
1 Wishing Well
1 Horned Loch-Whale
1 Tishana's Tidebinder
1 Blast Zone
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Demolition Field
4 Dismal Backwater
1 Fabled Passage
2 Island
2 Mirrex
4 Restless Reef
4 Swamp
1 Underground River
(60) Common 20 Uncommon 17 Rare 22 Mythic 1

Spells: 31
Creatures: 2


Average: 2.7

U 14 B 18 C 27 M 1 Lands 27
  • Creature: 2
    • Whale: 1
    • Merfolk: 1
    • Wizard: 1
  • Instant: 20
  • Sorcery: 8
  • Artifact: 1
  • Enchantment: 2
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 27
    • Island: 2
    • Sphere: 2
    • Swamp: 4
A video has not been provided.


18 d
3.53The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 43Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 5.02The Brothers' War: Portal to Phyrexia 1.01The Brothers' War: Repair and Recharge 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Clay-Fired Bricks 41Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Assimilation Aegis 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Thousand Moons Smithy 3.51March of the Machine: Elspeth's Smite 3Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Simulacrum Synthesizer 2.03The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 21Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Luxurious Locomotive 2.02The Brothers' War: Machine Over Matter 2.51Bloomburrow: Patchwork Banner 5.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Unstable Glyphbridge 0.52Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 11Murders at Karlov Manor: Reenact the Crime 41Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Collector's Cage 3.52The Brothers' War: Urza, Lord Protector 3.52The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 5.02The Brothers' War: Steel Seraph 5.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: The Eternal Wanderer 5Streets of New Capenna: Island 5Streets of New Capenna: Plains 1Murders at Karlov Manor: Meticulous Archive 2.53Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Tranquil Cove 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 2.53Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Arid Archway 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 3Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lonely Arroyo
4.51The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch 1.51The Brothers' War: Recommission 1Outlaws of Thunder Junction: The Key to the Vault 1Bloomburrow: Wishing Well 41Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 11Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bandit's Haul
3 The Mightstone and Weakstone
3 Three Steps Ahead
2 Portal to Phyrexia
1 Repair and Recharge
2 Clay-Fired Bricks
1 Assimilation Aegis
1 Thousand Moons Smithy
1 Elspeth's Smite
3 Simulacrum Synthesizer
3 Get Lost
1 Luxurious Locomotive
2 Machine Over Matter
1 Patchwork Banner
1 Unstable Glyphbridge
2 Temporary Lockdown
1 Reenact the Crime
1 Collector's Cage
2 Urza, Lord Protector
2 Thran Spider
2 Steel Seraph
1 The Eternal Wanderer
5 Island
5 Plains
1 Meticulous Archive
3 Tranquil Cove
2 Restless Anchorage
3 Arid Archway
2 Mirrex
3 Lonely Arroyo

1 Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch
1 Recommission
1 The Key to the Vault
1 Wishing Well
1 Three Steps Ahead
1 Bandit's Haul
(60) Common 18 Uncommon 9 Rare 24 Mythic 9

Spells: 30
Creatures: 6


Average: 3.5

W 13 U 9 C 35 M 3 Lands 24
  • Creature: 6
    • Human: 2
    • Artificer: 2
    • Spider: 2
    • Angel: 2
  • Instant: 10
  • Sorcery: 1
  • Artifact: 20
    • Powerstone: 3
    • Equipment: 1
    • Vehicle: 1
  • Enchantment: 2
  • Planeswalker: 1
  • Land: 24
    • Island: 6
    • Plains: 6
    • Desert: 6
    • Sphere: 2
A video has not been provided.

List made by our Ai

4Streets of New Capenna: Island 3Streets of New Capenna: Plains 4.02Dominaria United: Cut Down 42Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 2.52Murders at Karlov Manor: Deduce 4.02The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 0.02The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Dismal Backwater 2.52Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 4.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 2Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 0.52Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 2.02Wilds of Eldraine: Quick Study 3.52The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 42Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 2Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Simulacrum Synthesizer 2.02The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 2.52Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Tranquil Cove 2.52Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Arid Archway 2Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lonely Arroyo 5.01The Brothers' War: Portal to Phyrexia 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Clay-Fired Bricks 2.01The Brothers' War: Machine Over Matter 0.51Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 3.51The Brothers' War: Urza, Lord Protector 3.51The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 5.01The Brothers' War: Steel Seraph 4.01The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 3.01Wilds of Eldraine: Farsight Ritual 2.51Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Intimidation Campaign 3.51Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 3.01Dominaria United: Rona's Vortex 2.01Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 3.51Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 21Bloomburrow: Spellgyre
4.51The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch 1.51The Brothers' War: Recommission 1Outlaws of Thunder Junction: The Key to the Vault 1Bloomburrow: Wishing Well 41Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 11Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bandit's Haul
3.50Streets of New Capenna: Island 2.50Streets of New Capenna: Plains 2Dominaria United: Cut Down 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Deadly Cover-Up 2Murders at Karlov Manor: Deduce 2The Brothers' War: Go for the Throat 2Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Darkslick Shores 2The Brothers' War: Demolition Field 2Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Dismal Backwater 2Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mirrex 2The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Reef 2Streets of New Capenna: Swamp 1.50Innistrad: Midnight Hunt: Duress 1.50Wilds of Eldraine: Quick Study 1.50The Brothers' War: The Mightstone and Weakstone 1.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 1.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Simulacrum Synthesizer 1.50The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Get Lost 1.50Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty: Tranquil Cove 1.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Arid Archway 1.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Lonely Arroyo 1The Brothers' War: Portal to Phyrexia 1The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Clay-Fired Bricks 1The Brothers' War: Machine Over Matter 1Dominaria United: Temporary Lockdown 1The Brothers' War: Urza, Lord Protector 1The Brothers' War: Thran Spider 1The Brothers' War: Steel Seraph 1The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Restless Anchorage 0.50Wilds of Eldraine: Farsight Ritual 0.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Intimidation Campaign 0.50Murders at Karlov Manor: Long Goodbye 0.50Dominaria United: Rona's Vortex 0.50Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Sheoldred's Edict 0.50Dominaria United: Silver Scrutiny 0.50Bloomburrow: Spellgyre 0.50Wilds of Eldraine: Virtue of Persistence 0.50Bloomburrow: Wishing Well 0.50Wilds of Eldraine: Horned Loch-Whale 0.50The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Tishana's Tidebinder 0.50The Brothers' War: Blast Zone 0.50Core Set 2021: Fabled Passage 0.50The Brothers' War: Underground River 0.50The Brothers' War: Repair and Recharge 0.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Assimilation Aegis 0.50The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Thousand Moons Smithy 0.50March of the Machine: Elspeth's Smite 0.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Luxurious Locomotive 0.50Bloomburrow: Patchwork Banner 0.50The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Unstable Glyphbridge 0.50Murders at Karlov Manor: Reenact the Crime 0.50Outlaws of Thunder Junction The Big Score: Collector's Cage
1The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch 1The Brothers' War: Recommission 1Outlaws of Thunder Junction: The Key to the Vault 1Bloomburrow: Wishing Well 1Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Three Steps Ahead 1Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Bandit's Haul
4 Island
3 Plains
2 Cut Down
2 Deadly Cover-Up
2 Deduce
2 Go for the Throat
2 Darkslick Shores
2 Demolition Field
2 Dismal Backwater
2 Mirrex
2 Restless Reef
2 Swamp
2 Duress
2 Quick Study
2 The Mightstone and Weakstone
2 Three Steps Ahead
2 Simulacrum Synthesizer
2 Get Lost
2 Tranquil Cove
2 Arid Archway
2 Lonely Arroyo
1 Portal to Phyrexia
1 Clay-Fired Bricks
1 Machine Over Matter
1 Temporary Lockdown
1 Urza, Lord Protector
1 Thran Spider
1 Steel Seraph
1 Restless Anchorage
1 Farsight Ritual
1 Intimidation Campaign
1 Long Goodbye
1 Rona's Vortex
1 Sheoldred's Edict
1 Silver Scrutiny
1 Spellgyre

1 Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch
1 Recommission
1 The Key to the Vault
1 Wishing Well
1 Three Steps Ahead
1 Bandit's Haul
(60) Common 22 Uncommon 14 Rare 20 Mythic 4

Spells: 31
Creatures: 3


Average: 2.8

W 4 U 13 B 10 C 31 M 2 Lands 26
  • Creature: 3
    • Human: 1
    • Artificer: 1
    • Spider: 1
    • Angel: 1
  • Instant: 18
  • Sorcery: 5
  • Artifact: 8
    • Powerstone: 2
  • Enchantment: 2
  • Planeswalker: 0
  • Land: 26
    • Island: 4
    • Plains: 3
    • Sphere: 2
    • Swamp: 2
    • Desert: 4
A video has not been provided.
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