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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
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EN TolarianCommunityCollege

$300.00 For 12 Booster Packs Of Magic: The Gathering Foundations???

Buy a "The Professor" t-shirt, Tolarian Sportsball tee, or TCC Hoodie for a limited time at https://store.dftba.com/collections/tolarian-community-college !

Spice8Rack, Voxy, and TappyToeClaws return for a game of Commander on the newest Shuffle Up & Play: https://youtu.be/KvwehWRnOHY
Buy a "The Professor" t-shirt, Tolarian Sportsball tee, or TCC Hoodie for a limited time at https://store.dftba.com/collections/tolarian-community-college !

Spice8Rack, Voxy, and TappyToeClaws return for a game of Commander on the newest Shuffle Up & Play: https://youtu.be/KvwehWRnOHY

Are you looking to Shuffle Up & Play games of Magic: The Gathering over webcam? The "Looking For Game" section of our Patron Discord is 100% free and open to everyone: https://discord.gg/tolariancommunitycollege

Watch us play Monarch In The Middle Commander on Shuffle UP here: https://youtu.be/4nCLyyZXCD0

MagicTheGathering Mtg Tolariancommunitycollege

►This episode is brought to you thanks to our wonderful Patreon community. Join to support the show, or just Shuffle Up & Play with other awesome people on our Patron Discord by going to https://www.Patreon.com/TolarianCommunityCollege

►This show is made in part due to Card Kingdom. You can help us out by visiting our affiliate link at https://www.CardKingdom.com/TCC
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