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Lobo Blanco

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EN SantyagaTV

⚪🔵⚫🔴🟢 5C Auras, 54% Win Rate, part 2 | MTG Arena | Explorer | BO3 | Bloomburrow

Hello friends! You'll see 5C Auras Deck gameplay in the MTG Arena, Explorer format!

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Hello friends! You'll see 5C Auras Deck gameplay in the MTG Arena, Explorer format!

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00:00 - Deck
04:13 - Match 4 vs. Dimir Control
10:07 - Match 5 vs. Mono Green Devotion
21:14 - Match 6 vs. Abzan Midrange
30:44 - Results


1 Jegantha, the Wellspring

1 Plains
1 Gryff's Boon
3 Brushland
4 Temple Garden
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Mana Confluence
2 Sram, Senior Edificer
1 Cartouche of Solidarity
2 Adanto Vanguard
1 Kaya's Ghostform
4 Paradise Druid
4 All That Glitters
4 Sentinel's Eyes
1 Warbriar Blessing
1 Staggering Insight
3 Branchloft Pathway
4 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice
4 Generous Visitor
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
4 Audacity
1 Fae Flight
1 Feather of Flight
1 War Squeak

2 Rest in Peace
1 Jegantha, the Wellspring
4 Portable Hole
2 Sram, Senior Edificer
1 Warbriar Blessing
1 Rune of Sustenance
4 Get Lost



5C Auras
MTG 5C Auras
Magic: The Gathering Arena
Best Explorer Decks
Mtg Arena
Magic Arena

Mtg MtgArena Mtga Mtgarena Explorer Bo3 Bo3 Tcg Tcggaming Bestdecks Mtgbloomburrow Mtgblb
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