Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
1 m
EN Peter

Alchemy Qualifier Prep | Value Legend Aggro & Abzan Thrull

The commentary is a reaction towards my recordings. Also, Tajic is cool. 🤺

Chapters ⏱️
The commentary is a reaction towards my recordings. Also, Tajic is cool. 🤺

Chapters ⏱️
00:00 Legends deck tech
13:37 Abzan Thrull deckoverview
15:12 UW Artifact Aggro overview
16:46 Match 1 vs Simic Artifact Aggro
23:49 Match 2 vs Jund Mid
28:50 Match 3 vs Abzan Mid
35:14 Match 1 vs Mardu Mid
39:21 Match 2 vs Orzhov Mid
44:49 Match 3 vs Sultai Case
50:27 Match 4 vs Golgari Roots
57:10 Match 5 vs Mardu Humans
1:04:40 Match 6 vs Naya Convoke
1:08:31 Match 7 vs Naya Convoke

Went from Dia to 2 with Winota's Boars:
And bounced back and forth between 8 and 1 with those two:
Legends: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/value-legends-
Abzan Thrull: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/abzan-thrull

As always, the decks are going through some smaller changes during the matches.

MTG Arena Magic: The Gathering Arena MTGA Mtg Arena Alchemy Deck Guide Magic Arena MTG Arena Gameplay Best of Three Bo3

Alchemy Mkm Mtgarena
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