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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
11 m
EN TolarianCommunityCollege

"More Than You Yargle'd For" Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For $45 | Magic The Gathering

Click on my link ▸ https://athleticgreens.com/tcc to get a 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase!! Thank you to Athletic Greens for sponsoring this video! Sponsored

Want another $45 Magic: The Gathering Commander deck? | "Death And Metal" Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For Less Than $45: https://youtu.be/MiUbmr6-1PE
Click on my link ▸ https://athleticgreens.com/tcc to get a 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your first purchase!! Thank you to Athletic Greens for sponsoring this video! Sponsored

Want another $45 Magic: The Gathering Commander deck? | "Death And Metal" Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For Less Than $45: https://youtu.be/MiUbmr6-1PE

More Than You Yargle'd For Deck List: https://archidekt.com/decks/4441982

Yograded decklist: https://archidekt.com/decks/4442570/yargle_upgrade

A reminder that my Discord has a 100% free "Looking For Game" section, with games of everything from Commander to Modern (and even Pauper) firing off. So if you want to get some webcam Magic, just check out https://discord.gg/tolariancommunitycollege

MagicTheGathering Mtg Commander

►This episode is brought to you thanks to our wonderful Patreon community. Join to support the show, or just Shuffle Up & Play with other awesome people on our Patron Discord by going to https://www.Patreon.com/TolarianCommunityCollege

►This show is made in part due to Card Kingdom. You can help us out by visiting our affiliate link at https://www.CardKingdom.com/TCC
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