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Lobo Blanco

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EN KaeroMTGMTGArenaDecks

EARLY ACCESS! March of the Machine NEW CARDS! | Magic the Gathering Arena

March of the Machine Early Access LIVE! Come see the newest Magic: the Gathering set in action before pre-release. Subscribe for more MTG Arena decks for March of the Machine Standard ranked and more gameplay videos released every 2 days!
Standard Best of One Constructed for approximately 2 hours
March of the Machine Early Access LIVE! Come see the newest Magic: the Gathering set in action before pre-release. Subscribe for more MTG Arena decks for March of the Machine Standard ranked and more gameplay videos released every 2 days!
Standard Best of One Constructed for approximately 2 hours
Lunch Break
March of the Machine Limited (Draft or Sealed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaeroMTG
Official Magic Discord link: https://discord.gg/wizards-magic
Mtgarena Mtgmom Magicthegathering
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