Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
5 m
EN MTGArenaOriginalDecks

Get MYTHIC in 1 Day RANK 1 Aggro - Bloomburrow Standard

Discord - https://discord.gg/rzDJK7f
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Qwazar77
Aetherhub - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/mono-white-aggro-standard-1074954
Discord - https://discord.gg/rzDJK7f
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Qwazar77
Aetherhub - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/mono-white-aggro-standard-1074954

MTG arena

2 Tocasia's Welcome (BRO) 30
22 Plains (BLB) 370
3 Lifecreed Duo (BLB) 20
4 Lay Down Arms (BRO) 11
4 Elesh Norn (MOM) 12
2 Chimil, the Inner Sun (LCI) 249
4 Virtue of Loyalty (WOE) 38
4 Warden of the Inner Sky (LCI) 43
4 Resolute Reinforcements (DMU) 29
4 Sanguine Evangelist (LCI) 34
4 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29
3 Regal Bunnicorn (WOE) 25
1 Mirrex (ONE) 254

Mtg Magicthegathering Mtgarena

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