Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
7 m
EN RisendragonGaming

Jeskai Crimes & Misdemeanors//U/W/R Prowess Crimes//STANDARD//MTG Arena

With this deck, we try to combine some synergies with the Crime mechanic, Duelist of the Mind, the new Magda, and the Prowess mechanic from previous sets. Key word: TRY. I think this deck has a lot of potential and in playtesting, we did get it to pop, so tweak it and give it a try. Most of all, ENJOY!

AETHERHUB: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/jeskai-crimes--misdemeanors
With this deck, we try to combine some synergies with the Crime mechanic, Duelist of the Mind, the new Magda, and the Prowess mechanic from previous sets. Key word: TRY. I think this deck has a lot of potential and in playtesting, we did get it to pop, so tweak it and give it a try. Most of all, ENJOY!

AETHERHUB: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/jeskai-crimes--misdemeanors

0:00-0:20 INTRO
0:20-5:27 DECK TECH
5:27-13:27 MONO WHITE ANGELS (Bo1)
13:27-36:35 ESPER CONTROL (Bo3)

MUSIC: "Friday Feeling" by Aquarius Prime
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