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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
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EN Mcfluffy52

Jund Festival Control | Standard Ranked MTG Arena | Foundations

Ripping apart our opponent's decks with Jund Control!

Click Here for more MTGA Foundations Brews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7DPnT4j3i7l7cNk8uDLZxzyWoUjvay7
Ripping apart our opponent's decks with Jund Control!

Click Here for more MTGA Foundations Brews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7DPnT4j3i7l7cNk8uDLZxzyWoUjvay7

Today we are playing Jund Control with [[Festival of Embers]] and [[Chandra, Hope's Beacon]]. The idea that sparked this deck was using [[Assassin's Trophy]] on an opponent's basic land and exiling all of their basics with [[Deadly, Cover-Up]] so all future [[Assassin's Trophy]]s would essentially be free! Doing this could make it so we could start [[Stone Rain]]ing our opponent's lands. This land destruction synergy exists in the deck, but it's not really main action plan since it's a not a very viable strategy; the real plan is to destroy most of what the opponent plays and then take over the game with [[Chandra, Hope's Beacon]] along with [[Outrageous Robbery]] and [[Titania's Command]]. Using our removal along with [[Deadly Cover-Up]] and [[The End]], we can remove the vital cards from opponent's deck and neutralize them. Thanks for watching, and I hope you enjoy the deck!

Check out my Untapped profile below and find the deck to see more about how it performed.

LINKS (decklist at bottom of description):
Untapped Profile: https://mtga.untapped.gg/profile/ad9da9da-1c68-4bfd-aa1d-f85aea1619e5/AKXGFTTGFZE3VHTGPPHUDRNQMM

00:00 - Overview
01:51 - Match 1 vs Naya Doubling Forge
05:59 - Match 2 vs Mono Black Midrange
21:37 - Match 3 vs Dimir Pact
44:37 - Outro

Let me know your deck ideas below or what you have would have done differently!

If you liked the video, feel free to subscribe to keep up with whatever wacky deck ideas I come up with, and catch me streaming live on YouTube.

Decklist: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/jund-festival-control--standard-ranked

3 Chandra, Hope's Beacon (MOM) 134
2 Swamp (FDN) 277
4 Assassin's Trophy (MKM) 187
2 Mountain (FDN) 279
1 Forest (STX) 375
2 Maelstrom Pulse (FDN) 661
1 Pillage the Bog (OTJ) 224
2 Cease // Desist (MKM) 246
2 Return from the Wilds (WOE) 181
3 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
3 Torch the Tower (WOE) 153
2 Artist's Talent (BLB) 124
1 Titania's Command (BRO) 194
3 Festival of Embers (BLB) 134
3 Deadly Cover-Up (MKM) 83
3 Raucous Theater (MKM) 266
4 Underground Mortuary (MKM) 271
3 Commercial District (MKM) 259
4 Thornspire Verge (DSK) 270
4 Blazemire Verge (DSK) 256
2 Restless Cottage (WOE) 258
1 Outrageous Robbery (MKM) 97
1 Duress (ONE) 92
1 The End (WOE) 87
3 Slagstorm (FDN) 207

MTG MagicTheGathering Mtgarena Mtga MTGStandard
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