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Lobo Blanco

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Magic Arena: Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered Brewing

Snapcaster Mage on Magic Arena! Shadows over innistrad remastered will introduce a number of original innistrad cards to MTG Arena including snapcaster mage, lingering souls, geist of st.traft, huntmaster of the fells and griselbrand. Looking at a deck list idea for a jeskai control / tempo style deck in historic. Once available I will test out the deck on the mythic historic ladder and test some of the potential card options discussed.
Get Untapped Arena Companion for free here: https://mtga.untapped.gg/companion?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=mtgjoe

Snapcaster Mage on Magic Arena! Shadows over innistrad remastered will introduce a number of original innistrad cards to MTG Arena including snapcaster mage, lingering souls, geist of st.traft, huntmaster of the fells and griselbrand. Looking at a deck list idea for a jeskai control / tempo style deck in historic. Once available I will test out the deck on the mythic historic ladder and test some of the potential card options discussed.
Get Untapped Arena Companion for free here: https://mtga.untapped.gg/companion?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=mtgjoe

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MTGJoe2

Joe's Untapped Profile: https://mtga.untapped.gg/profile/390de354-4ae6-4ea5-9991-2f650825ba18/8D5B7E0B33092E80
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