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Lobo Blanco

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EN SymphoneersGaming

March of the Machine Story: Episode 9-10 | MTG Audiobook | Magic the Gathering lore reading

I've been reading through the March of the Machine story on my twitch stream recently & thought it might be fun to edit it down into what's essentially an amateur audiobook. Magic the Gathering story & lore's fun. This reading covers Episode 9: The Old Sins of New Phyrexia, and Episode 10: The Rhythms of Life. The finale to MTG MOM's story's a doozy. I've had a lot of fun with the readings, I hope you did too.

A playlist of the full story is available at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLotu7-S9LS9fxj_UaNXtMBpklccjilzkM
I've been reading through the March of the Machine story on my twitch stream recently & thought it might be fun to edit it down into what's essentially an amateur audiobook. Magic the Gathering story & lore's fun. This reading covers Episode 9: The Old Sins of New Phyrexia, and Episode 10: The Rhythms of Life. The finale to MTG MOM's story's a doozy. I've had a lot of fun with the readings, I hope you did too.

A playlist of the full story is available at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLotu7-S9LS9fxj_UaNXtMBpklccjilzkM

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0:00 Episode 9: The Old Sins of New Phyrexia
36:05 Episode 10: The Rhythms of Life

Magicthegathering Mtg MtgArena Mtga Symphoneers
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