Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
7 m
EN RisendragonGaming

Mono White Lockdown!//STANDARD//OTJ//MTG ARENA

This deck aims to exploit the latent synergy between High Noon and Grand Abolisher to limit the opponent's deck while building up a strong board of our own. We also have the standard spot removal and exile tools at our disposal as well. ENJOY!

AETHERHUB: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/mono-white-lockdown-1045730
This deck aims to exploit the latent synergy between High Noon and Grand Abolisher to limit the opponent's deck while building up a strong board of our own. We also have the standard spot removal and exile tools at our disposal as well. ENJOY!

AETHERHUB: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/mono-white-lockdown-1045730

0:00-0:23 INTRO
0:23-3:23 DECK TECH
3:23-5:57 RAKDOS (Bo1)
5:57-23:40 GRIXIS LEGENDS (Bo3)

MUSIC: "Friday Feeling" by Aquarius Prime
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