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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
1 a
EN RambiniTheMage

💀☀️ ORZHOV Superfriends Brothers' War MTG Arena Standard Bo1

💀☀️ ORZHOV Superfriends | Brothers' War | MTG Arena | Standard | Bo1

Deck List: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/orzhov-superfriends-838343
💀☀️ ORZHOV Superfriends | Brothers' War | MTG Arena | Standard | Bo1

Deck List: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/orzhov-superfriends-838343


Mékié pessoal, hoje trago um orzhov para vocês a meio do vídeo fiz umas alterações para tentar contornar um pouco o meta, acho que ficou porreiro comentem ai :p


Mékié guys, today I bring an orzhov to you in the middle of the video I made some changes to try to get around the goal a little, I think it was cool, comment there down :P


00:00 Decklist
00:25 Game 1 vs MonoBlue
07:50 Game 2 vs MonoRed
17:40 Game 3 vs MonoBlack
20:10 Game 4 vs MonoRed
24:55 Game 5 vs MonoBlue
32:25 Game 6 vs MonoBlue
39:17 Game 7 vs MonoBlack
49:50 Game 8 vs OrzhovMidrange
55:19 Game 9 vs Radkos


Redes Sociais:
♦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rambini
♦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rambini_the...


♦CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600
♦RAM: 16GB
♦Microfone: KROM
♦Webcam: P30 PRO


Se gostas te deixa ai o 👍 e subscreve 👇👇👇



Compartilhe este vídeo: https://youtu.be/NpyBUxAQlCo

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