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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
8 m
EN KaeroMagicTheGathering

💰 RAKDOS ROBBERY | MTG Arena Ranked Standard Deck Tech Gameplay

There's nothing better than winning with your opponent's cards! Decadent Dragon leads us to victory with this Rakdos MTG Arena ranked standard deck...BUT we don't rely on it. We have other powerful cards with some new heavy hitters as well!

Beseech the Mirror is maybe the best Wilds of Eldraine card for Standard and it allows us to wipe the board, grab Sheoldred, grab a dragon and even an Etali if we aren't under pressure.
There's nothing better than winning with your opponent's cards! Decadent Dragon leads us to victory with this Rakdos MTG Arena ranked standard deck...BUT we don't rely on it. We have other powerful cards with some new heavy hitters as well!

Beseech the Mirror is maybe the best Wilds of Eldraine card for Standard and it allows us to wipe the board, grab Sheoldred, grab a dragon and even an Etali if we aren't under pressure.

This deck tech shows how Wilds of Eldraine has upgraded Rakdos on the MTG Arena ranked standard ladder in best of one.

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DECK LIST: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/decadent-dragon-robbery

MTGEldraine Mtgarena

00:00 Deck Tech
04:18 Game 1
09:39 Game 2
18:56 Game 3
23:39 Game 4
27:46 Game 5
38:31 Wrap Up
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