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Lobo Blanco

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EN SymphoneersGaming

Simic Toxic Poisons MTG Malone | Phyrexia: All Will Be One | Magic The Gathering Arena

I just had to check out the interaction between Venerated Rotpriest and Ivy Gleeful Spellthief in the Phyrexia: All will be One early access event. Simic toxic ended up doing surprisingly well, poisoning multiple opponents out of the game. Definitely looking forward to to tinkering with it more when it hits standard on magic the gathering arena.

Decklist • https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5qLTZwr5zk6xNsK80btejw
I just had to check out the interaction between Venerated Rotpriest and Ivy Gleeful Spellthief in the Phyrexia: All will be One early access event. Simic toxic ended up doing surprisingly well, poisoning multiple opponents out of the game. Definitely looking forward to to tinkering with it more when it hits standard on magic the gathering arena.

Decklist • https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5qLTZwr5zk6xNsK80btejw
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0:00 The real poison was the friends we made along the way.

Magicthegathering Mtg MtgArena Mtga Symphoneers
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