Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
3 m
EN MTGArenaOriginalDecks

Taxes And MORE Taxes Until They CANT Cast Anything

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Discord - https://discord.gg/rzDJK7f
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Aetherhub - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/taxman

azorius taxes counterpspell control historic standard MTG arena deck guide and gameplay with commentary. I am the only true one.

1 God-Pharaoh's Statue (WAR) 238
5 Island (MKM) 280
2 Fae of Wishes (ELD) 44
4 Get Lost (LCI) 14
3 Plains (MKM) 278
4 Supreme Verdict (RTR) 201
3 Settle the Wreckage (XLN) 34
4 No More Lies (MKM) 221
2 Dovin's Veto (WAR) 193
4 Absorb (RNA) 151
2 Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR) 61
3 Supreme Will (AKR) 83
4 Memory Deluge (MID) 62
2 Fateful Absence (MID) 18
2 Search for Azcanta (XLN) 74
2 Deserted Beach (MID) 260
4 Hengegate Pathway (KHM) 260
2 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255
3 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
2 Seachrome Coast (ONE) 258
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268
2 Field of Ruin (THB) 242

1 Mirror Box (NEO) 250
2 Mythos of Illuna (IKO) 58
2 Clear the Mind (RNA) 34
1 River's Rebuke (XLN) 71
1 God-Pharaoh's Statue (WAR) 238

Mtg Magicthegathering Mtgarena

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