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Lobo Blanco

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17 h
EN TolarianCommunityCollege

The One Ring Banned in Magic The Gathering

Thanks to Factor75 for sponsoring today's video. Use my link to get 50% off and free shipping on your first Factor box! https://strms.net/factor75_tolariancommunity

One of Magic: The Gathering's most played cards, 'The One Ring' was just banned while many epic cards from MTG's past, including Splinter Twin, Mox Opal, and Faithless Looting, have been unbanned in Modern.
Thanks to Factor75 for sponsoring today's video. Use my link to get 50% off and free shipping on your first Factor box! https://strms.net/factor75_tolariancommunity

One of Magic: The Gathering's most played cards, 'The One Ring' was just banned while many epic cards from MTG's past, including Splinter Twin, Mox Opal, and Faithless Looting, have been unbanned in Modern.

Splinter Twin vs Birthing Pod In Modern | Shuffle Up & Play 2: https://youtu.be/eMcJe_VWUfU

This show is made in part due to Card Kingdom. You can help us out by visiting our affiliate link at https://www.CardKingdom.com/TCC

Magicthegathering Mtg Tolariancommunitycollege

This episode is brought to you thanks to our wonderful Patreon community. Join to support the show, or just Shuffle Up & Play with other awesome people on our Patron Discord by going to https://www.Patreon.com/TolarianCommunityCollege

Are you looking to Shuffle Up & Play games of Magic: The Gathering over webcam? The "Looking For Game" section of our Patron Discord is 100% free and open to everyone: https://discord.gg/tolariancommunitycollege

Music Courtesy Of:
"Vintage Education" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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