Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
4 d
EN MTGMalone


Welcome to MTG Malone, your daily MtgA channel!

Today I present to you: MASSACRE TIME! I AM EVIL! BUT THAT’S OK!
Welcome to MTG Malone, your daily MtgA channel!

Today I present to you: MASSACRE TIME! I AM EVIL! BUT THAT’S OK!

Sponsored BY UTIMATE GUARD : https://bit.ly/3wily3F
Support me by downloading Untapped.GG: https://bit.ly/3T6wSJf

Decklist: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/monument-to-massacre-wurm

4 Monument to Endurance (DFT) 237
6 Mountain (DFT) 275
3 Liliana of the Veil (DMU) 97
3 Bitter Reunion (BRO) 127
7 Swamp (DFT) 274
3 Fear of Missing Out (DSK) 136
3 Demand Answers (MKM) 122
4 Zombify (FDN) 187
2 Anoint with Affliction (ONE) 81
2 Massacre Wurm (FDN) 714
2 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (DSK) 120
2 Etali, Primal Conqueror (MOM) 137
2 Trumpeting Carnosaur (LCI) 171
4 Bitter Triumph (LCI) 91
2 Virtue of Persistence (WOE) 115
4 Blazemire Verge (DSK) 256
2 Raucous Theater (MKM) 266
2 Restless Vents (LCI) 284
1 Blast Zone (WAR) 244
2 Demolition Field (BRO) 260


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Please subscribe, leave a like and let me know how much i misplayed in the comments, see you tomorrow :*

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Aetherhub: https://aetherhub.com/User/MtgMalone
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mtgmalone

Mtg MtgArena Decks

So proud the be part of TEAM ULTIMATE GUARD! Being in a Team with such amazing players as Reid Duke, Gabriel Nassif, LSV, Andrea Mengucci, Voxy, Filipa Carola, Sol4r1s and many many more is not only an honor, but also a darn good feeling!

00:00 - Deck Pic
06:44 - Massacring Games
54:06 - Get Outta Here
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