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Lobo Blanco

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EN TheMTGArtisan

ZERO RARE AZORIUS HAMMER | Explorer | MTG Arena Budget Deck | F2P

This is my ZERO RARE and FREE TO PLAY Azorius Hammer deck on MTG Arena for Explorer. Equip your un-blockable creatures with a large hammer or axe, and strike for lethal as early as Turn 3! There is also some card draw, life gain, and protection for those grindier match-ups. This is a fun and easy to use deck for beginners to craft and complete daily quests.

This is my ZERO RARE and FREE TO PLAY Azorius Hammer deck on MTG Arena for Explorer. Equip your un-blockable creatures with a large hammer or axe, and strike for lethal as early as Turn 3! There is also some card draw, life gain, and protection for those grindier match-ups. This is a fun and easy to use deck for beginners to craft and complete daily quests.

00:00 - Intro/Deck Commentary
05:45 - Game 1 vs Izzet Midrange
07:23 - Game 2 vs Golgari Toxic
13:32 - Game 3 vs Izzet Turns
16:09 - Game 4 vs Mono White Tempo
18:43 - Game 5 vs Izzet Spells
21:09 - Game 6 vs Boros Damage
24:24 - Game 7 vs Four-Colour Control

Azorius Hammer Deck List -
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