Lobo Blanco
Tier: 9ZERO RARE AZORIUS HAMMER | Explorer | MTG Arena Budget Deck | F2P
This is my ZERO RARE and FREE TO PLAY Azorius Hammer deck on MTG Arena for Explorer. Equip your un-blockable creatures with a large hammer or axe, and strike for lethal as early as Turn 3! There is also some card draw, life gain, and protection for those grindier match-ups. This is a fun and easy to use deck for beginners to craft and complete daily quests.
… This is my ZERO RARE and FREE TO PLAY Azorius Hammer deck on MTG Arena for Explorer. Equip your un-blockable creatures with a large hammer or axe, and strike for lethal as early as Turn 3! There is also some card draw, life gain, and protection for those grindier match-ups. This is a fun and easy to use deck for beginners to craft and complete daily quests.
00:00 - Intro/Deck Commentary
05:45 - Game 1 vs Izzet Midrange
07:23 - Game 2 vs Golgari Toxic
13:32 - Game 3 vs Izzet Turns
16:09 - Game 4 vs Mono White Tempo
18:43 - Game 5 vs Izzet Spells
21:09 - Game 6 vs Boros Damage
24:24 - Game 7 vs Four-Colour Control
Azorius Hammer Deck List -
… This is my ZERO RARE and FREE TO PLAY Azorius Hammer deck on MTG Arena for Explorer. Equip your un-blockable creatures with a large hammer or axe, and strike for lethal as early as Turn 3! There is also some card draw, life gain, and protection for those grindier match-ups. This is a fun and easy to use deck for beginners to craft and complete daily quests.
00:00 - Intro/Deck Commentary
05:45 - Game 1 vs Izzet Midrange
07:23 - Game 2 vs Golgari Toxic
13:32 - Game 3 vs Izzet Turns
16:09 - Game 4 vs Mono White Tempo
18:43 - Game 5 vs Izzet Spells
21:09 - Game 6 vs Boros Damage
24:24 - Game 7 vs Four-Colour Control
Azorius Hammer Deck List -