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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
9 m
EN MagicMango

8-0 100% Win Rate WOE Standard Blue/Black Control 💀💧 Bo1 Ranked

7 Swamp (LTR) 267
2 Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator (WOE) 78
7 Swamp (LTR) 267
2 Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator (WOE) 78
2 Virtue of Persistence (WOE) 115
1 Change the Equation (MOM) 50
2 Make Disappear (SNC) 49
4 Dissipate (MID) 49
1 Ertai's Scorn (DMU) 48
4 Cut Down (DMU) 89
3 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
4 Sheoldred's Edict (ONE) 108
2 Memory Deluge (MID) 62
4 Quick Study (WOE) 65
1 Vraska, Betrayal's Sting (ONE) 115
2 Spellscorn Coven (WOE) 237
1 Otawara, Soaring City (NEO) 271
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278
4 Underground River (BRO) 267
2 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267
3 Darkslick Shores (ONE) 250
6 Island (LTR) 265
2 Path of Peril (VOW) 124
2 Raffine's Tower (SNC) 254
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