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Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
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EN UncommonlyGoodMTG

ERIETTE AURAS IS HAMMERTIME EXECELENT | Standard | Duskmourn: House of Horror | BO1

If you are looking for decks to win, you can find those lots of places. I am sure you play against them multiple times every day. What I try to bring to the table are decks that are fun or interesting. Party on, Space Cowboys...

URL: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/eriette-auras-11055884
If you are looking for decks to win, you can find those lots of places. I am sure you play against them multiple times every day. What I try to bring to the table are decks that are fun or interesting. Party on, Space Cowboys...

URL: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/eriette-auras-11055884
Posted By: Skrabstv

Name Eriette auras

8 Plains
6 Swamp
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Ossification
4 Archon of the Wild Rose
4 Spellbook Vendor
4 Lord Skitter's Blessing
4 Spiteful Hexmage
2 The Witch's Vanity
4 Eriette of the Charmed Apple
4 Forlorn Flats
4 Optimistic Scavenger
4 Shardmage's Rescue
4 Sheltered by Ghosts

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Intro
6:00 - Game 1 vs ayeayecapn (Simic)
10:30 - Game 2 vs bradleymichaels07 (Gruul)
14:30 - Game 3 vs Nicephorus37 (Black)
22:24 - Game 4 vs Seaniscool (Blue)
27:39 - Game 5 vs Juglar (Selesnya)
30:18 - Summary

Mtga Mtgarena Simic

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