Lobo Blanco | Icon

Lobo Blanco

Tier: 9
3 m
ES PanzerBravoGames

Mono Green Dinos Standard | Panzer Bravo Games

Hello, how are you doing?

Today I play a mono green deck with dinosaurs, it is a consistent deck that if it wins enough games, it has 8 removals for annoying creatures or plaswalkers.
Hello, how are you doing?

Today I play a mono green deck with dinosaurs, it is a consistent deck that if it wins enough games, it has 8 removals for annoying creatures or plaswalkers.

This fun to play, apart from the dinos brings other aggressive creatures that can put scares to the opponents hehehehe, I would like you to tell me in the comments what changes you would make, I'm not an expert building decks, but I try :)

Thank you very much for watching this video, I would be very grateful if you leave your like, and if you subscribe is free, a likes is a lot of support, a big hug.

Aetherhub: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/mono-green-dinosaurs-standard

4 Ixalli's Lorekeeper (LCI) 194
23 Forest (WOE) 266
4 Glimpse the Core (LCI) 186
4 Pugnacious Hammerskull (LCI) 208
4 Hulking Raptor (LCI) 191
2 Thrashing Brontodon (LCI) 216
1 Earthshaker Dreadmaw (LCI) 183
2 Ojer Kaslem, Deepest Growth (LCI) 204
2 Pathfinding Axejaw (LCI) 206
1 The Skullspore Nexus (LCI) 212
1 Vorinclex (MOM) 213
3 Tyrranax Rex (ONE) 189
1 Nissa, Ascended Animist (ONE) 175
1 Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea (BRO) 185
2 Topiary Stomper (SNC) 160
1 Ulvenwald Oddity (VOW) 225
1 Thrun, Breaker of Silence (ONE) 186
1 Unnatural Growth (MID) 206
1 Boseiju, Who Endures (NEO) 266
1 Tribute to the World Tree (MOM) 211

0:00 Deck List
09:18 Game 1
3:27 Game 2
4:48 Game 3
8:30 Game 4
12:36 Game 5

Mtg Mtga Mtgarena Monogreen
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